Fu Tien-Yu
Fu Tien-Yu
Hsin Li, Austin Lin
Colorrblind girl A-Kuei feels alienated and misunderstood. She is raised by her grandmother who would rather believe she is possessed than hear her feelings. The only person in the village who understands her is her bookworm cousin A-Hsien. He tells her that there is an island far away in the South Pacific where everyone is also colorblind due to a genetic mutation.
Somewhere I Have Never Travelled

Fu Tien-Yu
Ariel Lin, Rhydian Vaughan
Even in modern-day Taipei, women feel the societal pressure to get married and have children before the clock runs out. Thankfully, there is a solution: freeze your eggs and prolong your fertility until the right one comes along! Starring Ariel Lin, the film is a glimpse of what millions of working women struggle with: finding the balance between pursuing a career and marriage.
My Egg Boy