Valeri Ivchenko
1939 (85 лет)Freeze Die Come to Life
Vitali Kanevsky
Dinara Drukarova, Pavel Nazarov
Stuck in a mining town near Vladivostok in 1947 amongst Soviet exiles and Japanese POWs (Japanese prisoners remained in Siberia for years after the war had ended), the kids have to come up with something to keep them busy. Two friends, Valerka and Galia, play some peculiar, very dangerous games of their own amid the man-made wasteland of Suchan.
Freeze, Die, Come to Life
Moi Ivan, toi Abraham
Yolande Zauberman
Vladimir Mashkov, Mariya Lipkina
In 1930s Poland Christian boy Ivan goes to live with a Jewish family to learn a trade. He becomes friends with Abraham, the son of the family. However, anti-Semitism is rife in their environment, and they flee to escape an upcoming conflict. Journeying together, they demonstrate their inseparability.
Ivan & Abraham
Сказка про влюбленного маляра
Nadezhda Kosheverova
Nikolay Stotskiy, Nina Urgant
Однажды молодой и веселый маляр Макар был приглашен во дворец короля… Там он увидел красавицу, примерявшую корону. Макар влюбился, но был выгнан из дворца. Пройдя всевозможные испытания и героические подвиги, бывший маляр пришел во дворец свататься к принцессе, но увидел перед собой капризную уродину — и понял, что он был очарован служанкой Катюшей.
Tale about the enamored painter
Кооператив Политбюро, или Будет долгим прощанье
Mikhail Ptashuk
Aleksey Petrenko, Mikhail Ulyanov
An entrepreneurial young man organizes an unusual cooperative. Its members are doubles of prominent political figures, each of whom left a noticeable mark in Russian history. Like the propaganda teams of the recent past, this team travels around the country. Everyone communicates with the people in accordance with their image, and often the audience perceives the double as its prototype - and reacts accordingly ...
Co-op Politburo, or Will be a long farewell