Brandon Farmahini
2021Rooster Teeth Shorts: Volume Three
Matt Hullum, Chris Demarais
Burnie Burns, Chris Demarais
It's Rooster Teeth Shorts Volume 3! The crew is back for a third volume of office hijinks, fowl phenomena, quizzical conundrums and the concerns of shrinkage. Features 29 shorts and ton of bonus features, including an interactive DVD mystery game!
Rooster Teeth Shorts: Volume Three

Rooster Teeth Shorts: Volume Two
Matt Hullum
Burnie Burns, Brandon Farmahini
Rooster Teeth Shorts returns with a vengeance, as well as a magical prototype, an evil button, a mystery box, an inter-dimensional sandwich, and a bunch of ridiculous jokes!
Rooster Teeth Shorts: Volume Two

Rooster Teeth: Best of Rooster Teeth Shorts
Matt Hullum, Chris Demarais
Burnie Burns, Chris Demarais
That's right, the team from Rooster Teeth is ready for action, and they're putting their very best Shorts on display! So get ready, because when these guys show you what they've got you won't believe your eyes. Excited yet? Well, try to keep your pants on because there's more! Not only is this unit filled with all of Rooster Teeth's nuttiest bits, but it also includes an uninhibited look at the rise and fall of their Shorts. You'll get a long look at their backstory, and that's when the guys really let it all hang out! It's quite the package. With dozens of fan favorite Shorts lovingly grabbed by the Rooster Teeth community, you'll really enjoy yourself. And that's nothing to be ashamed of! What's in our Shorts is really hilarious!
Rooster Teeth: Best of Rooster Teeth Shorts

The Best of Rooster Teeth Animated Adventures
Jordan Cwierz
Burnie Burns, Jordan Cwierz
You've watched hilarious films before, but you've never seen anything quite like this (or in so many shades of blue). It's The Best of Rooster Teeth Animated Adventures! We've taken our favorite Animated Adventures and put them all together in the funniest, derpiest, electric-fenciest film known to man! Now, we know what you're thinking. How on Earth did we cram over two hours worth of comedy gold into one convenient package? Well, all it took was a dolphin on drugs and a dash of headlight fluid. Featuring Gus Sorola, Burnie Burns, Joel Heyman, Gavin Free, Geoff Ramsey, and many more! It's a deal so good, not even Kevin the Drug Dealer can believe it!
The Best of Rooster Teeth Animated Adventures

The Best of Rooster Teeth Animated Adventures 2
Jordan Cwierz
Burnie Burns, Barbara Dunkelman
Rooster Teeth Animated Adventures is back and bluer than ever! We've spent hours in a laboratory constructing the ultimate RTAA program, and The Best of Rooster Teeth Animated Adventures: Volume 2 is what we got! It’s over 90 minutes of the best Mars-travelin’, flirtacious-drivin’, lucid-dreamin’ action from the past two years of Rooster Teeth Animated Adventures. It’s a follow-up so great, you’d swear you were in a dream with a talking goat or karate chopping bride.
The Best of Rooster Teeth Animated Adventures 2

Rooster Teeth Shorts - Volumes 4 & 5
Burnie Burns, Chris Demarais
The gang is back! Rooster Teeth Productions proudly presents a collection of their hilarious live action shorts. Volumes 4 & 5 in the RT Shorts series combine two years worth of parodies, office sketches and ambush interviews into a brand new, state-of-the-art optical DVD. Join Rooster Teeth as they kill Hitler with a microwave, kiss a middle-aged man in slow motion, engage in epic sword fights in a medieval office park, and flee the psychotic rage of Siri.
Rooster Teeth Shorts - Volumes 4 & 5