Thorsten Fleisch
Thorsten Fleisch
An attempt to constitute a human / machine dialogue. It shows the filmmaker’s blood as seen / heard with the eyes / ears of the machine which is a film projector with optical sound. He affixed his blood onto clear film leader by cutting into the flesh and then pressing the film leader onto the wound. Additionally he had blood taken with a syringe and afterwards dripped it on the film leader. fresh and clotted blood was used.
Thorsten Fleisch
Four-dimensional quaternions (fractals) are visualized by projecting them into three-dimensional space. Instead of modeling objects of human imagination the realm of mathematics is explored. Only the variables of one formula (x[n+1]=x[n]^p-c) were changed. It took me about a year to get an idea of the transformations and shapes which could be expressed by this formula. Almost another year was needed to render the sequences which I decided to use.
Silver Screen
Thorsten Fleisch
A film made entirely with foil paper, exploring its possibilities in the realm of the audiovisual. For each frame a new foil paper landscape was created changing the parameters of light and perspective. In order to match the rapid flow of images several foil paper sounds have been restructured and edited.
Silver Screen
K.I.L.L. – Kinetic Image Laboratory/Lobotomy
Thorsten Fleisch
An accumulation of 180 different perspectives of a bank’s skyscraper. Each perspective takes just one frame.At first there is chaos, then systems of visual organisation develop. The sound consists of a sampled phrase meaning: “Our power is boundless and our means are inexhaustible”. The editing plays with the relationship between the words and the images creating different meanings in breaking the succession of the words.
K.I.L.L. – Kinetic Image Laboratory/Lobotomy
Thorsten Fleisch
Three different levels of skin working with film / film working with skin: - fingerprints on clear leader - carefully arranged successive skin prints - snapshots of light-painted skin becoming leather The images are accompanied by soundscapes using aural skin scans performed by the cartridge of a record player.
Thorsten Fleisch
When you look at a screen for a long time, the screen looks into you, too. It's late. You've been juggling numbers all day. The screen seems to vibrate before your eyes. You close your eyes. The afterimage on your retina continues pulsating in over-saturated colours.
Pattern Cognition
Friendly Fire
Thorsten Fleisch
Burned filmstrips meet light and invade the screen with structures of residue, ashes, flames and destruction. New landscapes appear in a state of disintegration through fire. The former carrier of conserved imagery is now in full bloom of organic splendor. The lifeless filmstrips have been resurrected.
Friendly Fire
Thorsten Fleisch
The tv/video screen comes alive by a controlled beam of electrons in the cathode ray tube. For 'energie!' an uncontrolled high voltage discharge of approx. 30.000 volts exposes photographic paper which is then arranged in time to create new visual systems of electron organization.
Picture Particles
Thorsten Fleisch
Individual elements from a carrier of visual information have been isolated and used to construct alternative visual reagents. Repetition is administered as a binder to tame the wild particles in motion, achieving a golden ratio in the mind's eye.
Picture Particles
Hex Suffice Cache Ten
Thorsten Fleisch
A surreal escape of a disintegrating mind into neon-lit nightmares from a discarded future. Suddenly interferences from sub-particle proliferation occur within the protagonist’s body, a transformation can’t be avoided. This exploration of cinematic space within an implosion of cerebral space is a daring tale of aliens, experiments on humans, video games and mutation. It is showering the unsuspecting viewer in handmade visual and aural stimuli from planet Fleisch.
Hex Suffice Cache Ten
Wound Footage
Thorsten Fleisch
The source material is a found footage super 8 film. The visual carrier was attacked in a multitude of ways. It was scratched, cut open and violated. I captured an attempt to screen it. There it burned and was destroyed by the projector. Sorry little film. With the video footage I provoked the encoding. As a result some pixels were dislocated. In the end I reshot the film from the monitor while I somehow angered the cables that connect the monitor with my computer. That all may sound very negative to you but the goal was an almost humanist one: Unification of the digital with the analogue world. They seem so far apart and yet they aren’t. By exposing every material’s weaknesses and injuries it was made one. It’s all visual sensations in the end. Rita Hayworth grindedly sings along.
Wound Footage
Deep Learning Death
Thorsten Fleisch
Christian Serritiello, Bruce A. Woolley
Vilmos and his dad work as social media cleaners. During their work they are confronted with the worst of humanity, in picture form. When they try to build an AI to do their work for them the AI gets a taste of death and can't wait to try it out in the real world.
Deep Learning Death