Gunhild Enger
Gunhild Enger
Martin Bøhmer, Eilif Hartwig
A young man visits his parents in Norway with his pregnant Spanish wife. Expectations run high, but in the short ride from the airport, it becomes clear that this won't be the harmonious family occasion everyone hopes for.

Gunhild Enger, Jenni Toivoniemi
Cecilia Milocco, Tapio Liinoja
Three delegates from Sweden, Norway and Finland are gathered in Lapland to decide which piece of art should be placed at the border of their countries. But the committee is in for a surprise… The delegates are faced with the challenge of making a democratic decision: is there something they can agree on to represent a true Nordic movement?
The Committee

Ett enklare liv
Gunhild Enger
Anna Söderling, Håkan Olsson
A married couple in a sunny day. They are fully occupied. Surrounded with devices designed to simplify their lives, but that instead they only makes things even more complicated. She exercises, he looks after the garden and both remains in silence. Efficiency might not be the best way to happiness.
A Simpler Life

Knutsen & Ludvigsen 2 - Det store dyret
Gunhild Enger, Rune Spaans
John Brungot, Hermann Sabado
Drama ensues when Knutsen and Ludvigsen discover that they may loose their tunnel. Only the legendary pirate Captain Knutsen can help! But where is he? An amazing journey unfolds as Knutsen and Ludvigsen depart on a wild adventure to find Captain Knutsen and save their tunnel. But the salvation turns out to be even closer to home than anyone dared guess. It lives in the tunnel, has hundred of heads and at least fourteen legs…
Two Buddies and a Badger 2 - The Great Big Beast

Play Schengen
Gunhild Enger
Éva Bandor, Falk Falk
A gaming company is creating a videogame for kids about the European Union. You play a national bird needing to breed and nest across borders, but you can only fly as allowed by your visa rights. We follow two game designers as they transform the European Union into pixel graphics in an effort to make Schengen catchy. The question they face: is it possible?
Play Schengen