Shen Fu
1905 - 1994Visions Cinema: Cinema in China - An Account by Tony Rayns
Ron Orders
Tony Rayns, Sun Yu
History of filmmaking in China from its beginnings in the 1920s to 1982, featuring Shanghai cinema of 1930s; the progressive filmmakers; the organisation of filmmaking under the post-war communist government; the impact of the Cultural Revolution; the work of Xie Jin.
Visions Cinema: Cinema in China - An Account by Tony Rayns

Lian hua jiao xiang qu
Youliu Tan, Situ Huimin
Qing Jiang, Xi Mei
"Lianhua Symphony" - a small collection, consisting of eight short films shot in 1937 by young filmmakers Shanghai Lianhua Film Company. Part 1: Two Yuans (兩毛錢) directed by Situ Huimin / Part 2: Nightmares in Spring Chamber (春閨斷夢) directed by Fei Mu / Part 3: The Stranger (陌生人) directed by Tan Youliu / Part 4: Three Friends (三人行) directed by Shen Fu / Part 5: Landscape Under the Moonlight (月下小景) directed by He Mengfu / Part 6: The Ghost (鬼) directed by Zhu Shilin / Part 7: Rhapsody of a Madman (瘋人狂想曲) directed by Sun Yu / Part 8: Five Little Brothers (小五義) directed by Cai Chusheng
Symphony of Lianhua

Shen Fu
Shang-Guan Yun-Zhu, Ma Lan
This tale of familial warfare and sacrifice takes place in hard-pressed Shanghai at the end of the 1940s. Hu Zhiqing can barely support his wife and children, and his situation is worsened by the unexpected arrival of his mother, brother and sister-in-law. When he is fired by his unscrupulous boss, the whole family becomes embroiled in one emotional/economic struggle after another.
The Lights of Ten Thousand Homes

Shen Fu
Jin Tao, Zhiao Ling
Китайское Народное правительство в целях усиления государственной обороны даёт задание о срочном переоборудовании одного из военных заводов Северо-Восточного Китая. Главный инженер завода Чжоу Чан-мин с согласия директора посылает письмо своему старому коллеге в Гонконг, приглашая его к себе на работу. Не имея возможности приехать лично, тот вместо себя посылает своего племянника — тоже инженера, с рекомендательным письмом. Но американская разведка, перехватившая письмо Чжоу, задерживает выехавшего из Гонконга инженера и, посылает вместо него своего агента…
Cut the Evil’s Claw