Claire Pijman
2021Van Later Zorg
Claire Pijman, Piet Oomes
Mother of Claire Pijman moves to Amsterdam after her husband’s death to be closer to her daughters and grandchildren. Claire and her sister try to combine the care of their mother with their work. When her mother’s dementia becomes more and more apparent, nursing home seems inevitable. This end turns into a farewell story that goes back and forth between conscience, guilt, and powerlessness…
Later We Care

Living the Light: Robby Müller
Claire Pijman
Robby Müller, Wim Wenders
For her extraordinary film essay, Living the Light, Director and Director of Photography Claire Pijman had access to the thousands of Hi8 video diaries, pictures and Polaroids that Müller photographed while he was at work on one of the more than 70 features he shot throughout his career; often with long term collaborators such as Wim Wenders, Jim Jarmusch and Lars von Trier. The film intertwines these images with excerpts of his oeuvre, thus creating a fluid and cinematic continuum. In his score for Living the Light Jim Jarmusch gives this wide raging scale of life and art an additional musical voice.
Living the Light: Robby Müller

Talking Guitars
Claire Pijman
Jackson Browne, Paul Simon
"Talking Guitars" is an intimate portrait of master guitar craftsman, Flip Scipio. The behind-the-scenes music-documentary illustrates the fascinating juxtaposition of the quiet artist and the world of musicians who seek his expertise. His clients include Jackson Browne, David Lindley, Ben Taylor, Paul Simon, David Tronzo, Leni Stern and Carly Simon. It is claimed that Flip "can make the worst piece of sh*t sing". For himself "Music is like Esperanto"; a universal language.
Talking Guitars

Mijn vader maakt foto's
Claire Pijman
Director Claire Pijman portrays her father Boy Pijman who was born in the Dutch East Indies. When his children ask, Boy Pijman tells his story that he had never spoken about before; his three years as a prisoner of war in Japanese Camp during the Second World War.
My Father Takes Pictures