André Luiz Oliveira
2021Candango: Memórias do Festival
Lino Meireles
Carlos Diegues, Milton Gonçalves
In 1965, a year after the military coup in Brazil, an oasis of freedom opened in the country's capital. The Brasília Film Festival: a landmark of cultural and political resistance. Its story is that of Brazilian cinema itself.
Candango: Memoirs from a Festival

Meteorango Kid, Herói Intergaláctico
André Luiz Oliveira
Antônio Luiz Martins, Carlos Bastos
In Bahia, in the late '60s, the alienated college student Lula spends his time protesting in the university, but without political orientation, wandering on the streets, smoking grass, trying to be an actor and having sex. Meanwhile, a common young man stalks women on the streets trying to have intercourse with them.
Meteorango Kid, Herói Intergaláctico

A Fonte
André Luiz Oliveira
Mário Cravo
Here is another short by André Luiz Oliveira, this time it's a charming documentary on brazilian sculptor Mario Cravo Jr. and his fountain project. What makes the documentary interesting beyond its topic is Oliveira's unusal approach, he tells the story of the sculpture project only through sometimes psychedelic pictures and music/noise without conventional narration.
The Fountain - A Sculpture - A Monument