Václav Gajer
1923 - 1998Pod Jezevčí skálou
Václav Gajer
Tomáš Holý, Gustáv Valach
The gamekeeper Straka lives by himself in the Bohemian forest hill. He has quarreled with his only son. He cannot come to terms with the fact that his son has abandoned his beloved forests and settled in a town. He has never even met his grandson Vasek. Following an illness, however, little Vasek needs some country air, and so one day his mother Jarmila delivers him to her father-in-law's cottage. At first Straka is angry, but Vasek is an unaffected lad and throws himself with verve into all the little adventures that the forest provides.
Under the Badgers Rock

Na pytlácké stezce
Václav Gajer
Tomáš Holý, Gustáv Valach
Second part of the trilogy. Vasek is expected to go to Bulgaria for a holiday with his parents during the summer vacation, but the boy finds the prospect of spending the summer with his gamekeeper grandfather far more tempting than the seaside. On the last day of school Vasek picks up his final report, but after that he takes his already packed bag and sets off for the Bohemian Forest without telling his parents. The grandfather is happy to have his grandson at his side again. In the evening, he gets a phone call from Vasek's mother. The trip to Bulgaria has been postponed and Vasek can stay with his grandfather for the time being.
On the Poachers Trail

Vina Vladimíra Olmera
Václav Gajer
Eduard Cupák, Jiří Brož
Владимир Ольмер, сын известного профессора-хирурга, учится в медицинском институте. Он усердно и успешно занимается по всем предметам. Его уважают студенты и преподаватели. Честный, порядочный, добродушный и доверчивый юноша плохо, однако, знает жизнь и не обладает моральной стойкостью. Однажды он встретил своего бывшего товарища по школе Эмила Прокеша. Отзывчивый Владимир, поверив, будто Прокеша исключили из вуза за то, что его отец убежал из Чехословакии за границу, решил поддержать приятеля в беде и как-то помочь ему. Прокеш знакомит Ольмера со своими друзьями. Этот кружок так называемой «золотой молодёжи», чуждой каких-либо духовных интересов и прожигающей жизнь в бесшабашных кутежах, в хмельном угаре, в самых диких танцах. Напрасно товарищи по институту пытаются удержать Владимира — он уже начал отставать в учёбе, плохо готовится к экзаменам. Трагедия разразилась внезапно…
Vina Vladimíra Olmera

Divoký koník Ryn
Václav Gajer
Zdeněk Řehoř, Miloš Nedbal
Several of the works of writer Bohumil Říha have been filmed. This novel by the pro-regime writer also inspired a children’s film, which was directed in 1981 by the experienced family filmmaker Václav Gajer. The story takes place in 1947 and it is based on the popular model of the relationship between a human hero and an indomitable animal protagonist. The tale of the freedom necessary for life, is, of course, beholden to the standards of the time: the Hucul horse that heals an old villager, has remained in the small village in Šumava after the Soviet soldiers have left. This is a pleasing movie that engages with the acting performance of Zdeněk Řehoř and the depiction of the indisputable beauty of the Šumava landscape as shot by cameraman Jan Němeček.
Divoký koník Ryn