Natalya Meshchaninova
1982 (43 года)Born in Krasnodar. Graduated from Kuban State University of Culture and Arts, majoring in directing for film and television (2005). Worked as director at Krasnodar TV. After training at the Internews School of Documentary Cinema (2007, Marina Razbezhkina’s workshop), she started making documentary films. Worked on the serial “School” (2010). Her debut feature came with “Hope Factory” (2014), which won a prize for Best Debut at the White Elephant awards and a special award “Voice” from young film critics; participated in the competition of Rotterdam IFF and Kinotavr. Her series “Red Bracelets” won the Grand Prix at Dvizhenie [Movement] festival in 2015.
Сердце мира
Natalya Meshchaninova
Stepan Devonin, Dmitriy Podnozov
Egor is a vet at a training facility for hunting dogs in a remote region of the country. Surrounded by foxes, deer, badgers, and dogs, he lives in a small building next to the house of the facility's master. He treats the dogs, cleans the kennels, oversees the workers, and meets with clients and their dogs. It's easier for him to get along with dogs than with people. Egor is willing to take on any job to get closer to the facility's master and his near and dear. He wants the impossible - to become a member of that family.
Core of the World

The Hope Factory
Natalya Meshchaninova
Stepan Devonin, Polina Shanina
Industrial city of Norilsk: factories, cold, chemical air. The only desire of young people living here is to leave, against all odds. A docu-style, emotionally-driven drama about a young girl desperately fighting for an escape which is so blurry, and for love which is so insecure.
The Hope Factory

Natalya Meshchaninova
Beauty contest in the retirement home? “Horror! – you would say. – They barely breathe”. Not at all! Who said that womanhood, beauty and eye shine die before their owners do? Everybody thinks their only consolation are shelves with drugs. But it is revealed that among these shelves the eternal women steel is hidden. And the old ladies manage it very good.

И привет!
Boris Khlebnikov, Natalya Meshchaninova
Stepan Devonin, Aleksandr Robak
A pandemic has ravaged the world outside. Julia and Volodya are a couple that suffers from Coronaphobia by taking the safety measurements far too seriously. After anticipating all the possible scenarios and doing breathing exercises, the couple reluctantly goes out to the street, a place, in Volodya’s own words, “full of COVID bastards”. Armored and hysterically, the couple arrives at an ordinary supermarket. Almost turning against each other, their suspicion is translated into episodes of excessive outrages against the local shoppers who, according to the couple, are painfully and inconsiderably carefree. Their mission seems to be a success until they encounter an unmasked shopper. From then on, things go downhill for the main characters.
And That’s It

Natalya Meshchaninova
A whole ethnographic study on the topic of who are the fans of "Leningrad", performed against all the laws of the genre. The musicians themselves act as accomplices in the filming process here — one of the cameras, for example, is fixed on Shnurov's stomach. Other cameras follow the fans of the band, quite funny and accurately recording their emotions and actions from hugs to fights and transmitting the atmosphere of unbridled fun and off-scale adrenaline, which is famous for "Leningrad". Terribly funny, tearfully cute, sometimes scary - the effect of a full-length presence.