Javier Giner
2021Flores Nocturnas
Javier Giner
Kyle Ingleman, Doug Sharp
Lula is a transvestite prostitute that resembles Dorothy, from "The Wizard of Oz". Samantha is her best friend and wears earrings in the shape of bones and leopard print leggings, like The Flinstones. There's also a pissed off pimp who never takes his sunglasses off. And a gypsy woman who smokes cigars and knows everything. And Hollywood star pictures glued to raunchy walls. And a parking lot full of whores, light bulbs and parties. And Jesuschrist. And a Hindu man passed out because of a blow job. And a lot of night exteriors, New York's, to be precise. And a pair of plastic tits that have disappeared. NIGHT FLOWERS is the punky and surreal fairytale in which all of this comes together to make sense. A short film about friendship, bravery and the ability to have dreams in other to survive. Maybe, deep down, that's what life is: a funny, tender and offbeat road trip, filled with feelings, in the search of a pair of plastic missing tits.
Night Flowers

El amor me queda grande
Javier Giner
Lucía Caraballo, Izán Corchero
Samuel is ten years old and is madly in love with Lucía, who is twelve years old and has a master plan to get rid of the only obstacle left in her life to get what she wants: to be a writer, film critic and rich.
Love Is More Than I Can Handle

Julia de Castro de la Puríssima: Anatomía de una criminal
Javier Giner
Julia de Castro, Javier Giner
This mockumentary, directed by Javier Giner, follows Julia de Castro, cuplé singer and actress, from the musical quartet De la Puríssima, in her personal oddysey to find someone who truly appreciates her artisticv alue, reflected in a portrait painted by Oscar Tusquets
Julia de Castro de la Puríssima: Anatomía de una criminal