Orso Miret
2021De l'histoire ancienne
Orso Miret
Olivier Gourmet, Brigitte Catillon
Guy's father was a hero during the French Resistance era but he never talks about it, or so little. When he dies,Guy, his brother and his sister have him incinerated, following a wish their dad had expressed when he was still alive. But Guy soon starts feeling uncomfortable about this move. Haven't they, by cremating the body of their father, make a hero disappear from man's memory? Haven't they used the same method as the Nazis to get rid of the remains of a hated enemy?
De l'histoire ancienne

La vie des bêtes
Orso Miret
Louise Szpindel, Jonathan Zaccaï
Называющая себя "Фронтом освобождения животных" группа людей в масках совершает ночной набег на исследовательскую лабораторию и похищает подопытных животных. Расследованием этого происшествия поручено заняться инспектору полиции Седрику, а группа готовит новую акцию...
La vie des bêtes