Hans Scheugl
2021Wien 17, Schumanngasse
Hans Scheugl
A car drives through Schumann street from its beginning to its end. The drive was filmed in one take, end and beginning of the film being identical with the end and the beginning of the street. The length of the street and the length of the film strip become identical by an apparent equation: space becomes time, space distance becomes time distance/duration.
Wien 17, Schumanngasse

Hans Scheugl
Valie Export, Peter Weibel
In Hernals documentary and pseudo-documentary procedures were filmed simultaneously by two cameras from different viewpoints. The material was then divided into phases of movement. In the montage each phase was doubled. The techniques used in this process vary. Also the sound was doubled, again using different techniques. Two realities, differently perceived according to the conditions of this film, were edited into one synthetic reality, where everything is repeated. This doubling up destroys the postulate: identity of copy and image.

Der Ort der Zeit
Hans Scheugl
Luigi Trenkler, Linda Christanell
This is the theme of the film: The secret of objects in the huge space and time curve: the not-being-able-to-recognize, the not-being-able-to-grasp, the not-knowing. The curve is presented in the film as a miniature: 24 hours (morning, day, evening, night, morning) condensed into 40 minutes.
The Place of Time

Prince of Peace
Hans Scheugl
The entrance to a men's toilet in an underground pedestrian passage in Vienna. Church bells are heard in the distance. In a merciless editing rhythm, anonymous men are brought ever closer to the opaque glass door, in rhythmic stanzas they are stucked ever deeper inside the room one can't see into. In between there are photos from a pornographic magazine, in which a tattooed Saviour is placed in a direct connection with the sexual intercourse between two men - all to the sounds of ghastly brass band music. Prince of Peace is written under the Redeemer's face.
Prince of Peace