Mircea Drăgan
1932 - 2017Ștefan cel Mare - Vaslui 1475
Mircea Drăgan
Gheorghe Cozorici, Gheorghe Dinică
In 1475 when Stephen the Great, ruler of Moldavia is facing an invading Ottoman army of 120 000 men, the fate of Christian Europe largely depends on the battle's outcome.
Stephen the Great - Vaslui 1475

Cucoana Chirita
Mircea Drăgan
Draga Olteanu Matei, Dem Rădulescu
The Bârzoi manor comes back to life when the lady of the house, Chirița, sends news that she will be soon coming back from Paris. As the City of Light has changed her views on the world, the family and the help must follow.
Cucoana Chirita

Vlashins' Leaving
Mircea Drăgan
Emanoil Petruţ, Christian Maurer
In 18th century Hapsburg ruled Transilvania the Romanian shepherds from the village of Vlașini face the oppression and injustice of imperial authorities, being forced to flee from their place of birth or pay tribute to the Germans of Hermannstadt for grazing sheep on their own pastures.
Vlashins' Leaving