Pere Joan Ventura
2021El efecto Iguazú
Pere Joan Ventura
Documentary about the so-called "hope camp", which narrates the long protest carried out by the Sintel workers camped in the middle of Castellana Street in Madrid in defence of their labour rights. The documentary follows the evolution of the events during 4 months, from April to August 2001, reflecting the life of these people during their encampment and the negotiations between the government and the trade unions.
El efecto Iguazú

Apaiz Kartzela
Oier Aranzabal, David Pallarés
Xabier Amuriza, José Antonio Calzada
A real voyage in an apparently unreal situation. Four priests incarcerated in Zamora's prison for priests (1968-1976) return to visit the jail where they were condemned, in some cases, to sentences of more than ten years for having given sermons in which they denounced the repression under Franco.
Apaiz kartzela