Drahomíra Králová
1930 - 2007Potkal jsem ho v ZOO
Drahomíra Králová
Petr Franc, Lukáš Janota
There are two different boys in the zoo. Ivoš is a small wrestler who wanders himself in the barracks when a blind boy throws it and squeezes it with lemonade. Out of a primordial friendship will spring up. Both of them love animals, and Ivoš decides to involve Sleppo, as he tells him, into the common child's world. It sneezes it to the animals and allows him to touch the turtles, elephants or camel - the animals he knew at the time only by the sounds.
I Met Him in the ZOO

Tony, tobě přeskočilo
Drahomíra Králová, Věra Plívová-Šimková
Ľudovít Kroner, Josef Filip
In the village cemetery, the funeral of a married couple - victims of a car crash - is ending. The relatives unscrupulously take away the facilities of the dead people's little cottage, totally ignorant of the fate of eight-year old Ruda, whom the childless couple took from a children's home and adopted. Fortunately, an elderly lonesome uncle named Tony remains in the empty cottage and decides to take care of the boy, nicknamed Münchie after Baron Münchhausen for his wild imagination.
Toni, You're Crazy

Mrkáček Čiko
Drahomíra Králová, Věra Plívová-Šimková
Filip Menzel, Jakub Štěpán
Roman Hlava grew up with his diplomat parents in Latin America where he had been home-schooled by his over doting mother. The over indulgence of affection and praise has given the boy an over confidence. This is quickly squashed by his new peers when the family returns to the Czech Republic. This leads to neurotic tics and the nickname Mrkácek the 'Blinker.' A stay at a children's camp provides new friends, acceptance, an appreciation of nature, a new outlook on life, and loss of the tics.