Vladimir Seixas
2021Behind the door
Vladimir Seixas
An experience of breaking into buildings and creating new homes for homeless families in Rio de Janeiro in opposition to a series of forced evictions by the State. These evictions initiate a major intervention project in the city intensified since 2007. In the documentary, the project called “revitalization” is questioned by the residents of various occupations.
Behind the door

Vladimir Seixas
Luis Carlos de Alencar, Silvio Tendler
New forms of insurgency and unrest on the fragments of the actions of some artists and activists. The recording of confrontation has its strongest expression in the performance. We see echoing clashes in a series of images. The cry begins before the other ends.

A Primeira Pedra
Vladimir Seixas
The First Stone exposes the terrible face of intolerance, where angry lynch mobs take justice into their own hands. The documentary tells the story of lynching victims and investigates the shocking growth of this crime in Brazil where one lynching is registered everyday - the highest rate worldwide. A narrative with engaging characters and dramatic stories of lives that have been devastated by this violent trend in mob rule.
A Primeira Pedra

Rolê - Histórias dos Rolezinhos
Vladimir Seixas
Protests against the violence of security guards and shopping mall employees in Brazil have mobilized thousands of people in recent years. This form of protest showed the barriers imposed by racial discrimination and social exclusion. Follow in this documentary the lives and memories of three black characters that went through traumatic racism situations and took part in the protests which recently took place in shopping malls. Discover the dreams, beauty, poetry, art and politics of a generation that has found new ways of dealing with violence by promoting an intense debate across the Brazil about how black lives matter.
Rolê - Stories of Brazilian Protests in Malls