Oles Sanin
2021Breaking Point: The War for Democracy in Ukraine
Oles Sanin, Mark Jonathan Harris
BREAKING POINT: The War for Democracy in Ukraine looks at people transformed by a democratic revolution, who give up their normal lives to fight a Russian invasion, in a war which has killed 10,000 and displaced 1.9 million Ukrainians.
Breaking Point: The War for Democracy in Ukraine

Атентат: Осіннє вбивство в Мюнхені
Oles Yanchuk
Leonid Bakshtayev, Mykola Boklan
The film covers the period from 1947, when UPA troops broke with fights abroad, and to autumn of 1959, when in Munich KGB agent Bohdan Stashynskyi killed Stepan Bandera.
Assassination: An October Murder in Munich

Вінчання зі смертю
Mykola Mashchenko
Oleg Savkin, Georgiy Morozyuk
End of the 1930s. The times of Stalin's terror. Lieutenant Scherbakov got the order to shoot several "enemies of the people". Unexpectedly, a rural wedding found itself at the crime scene. Pursuant to the instruction, witnesses were also eliminated...
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Oles Sanin
Sergei Strelnikov, Darya Plakhtiy
In the early eighteenth century, foreign rule means dark times for the Hutsuls of the Carpathians. The two Dovbush brothers become opryshkos - mountain outlaws. But the two brothers become enemies - one cares only about money, the other - Oleksa - fights for his people. The Carpathians are convulsed with a wave of uprisings. The aristocracy uses its military might to try to kill Dovbush and destroy his legend. But Dovbush outwits them. The desperate lords devise a devious plan and attack the invincible outlaw's Achilles heel - his love for his childhood sweetheart, Marichka. Who will be the assassin to attack the Opryshko whose immense strength and bravery inspired folk tales? Will the lords' treacherous plan destroy the hero before he can lead his people to freedom?