Laurette Flores
Lex Ortega
David Aboussafy, Laurette Flores
Atrocious is a film that portrays the story of two serial killers, who after being arrested for causing a traffic accident, police confiscate some videotapes. These tapes contain brutal murders that show human wickedness, their background, paraphilias and psyche of these murderers.

México bárbaro
Aarón Soto, Jorge Michel Grau
Joyce Cuervo, Leslie Arce
Eight tales based on the most brutally terrifying Mexican traditions and legends, an anthology of haunting stories woven into the fabric of the Mexican culture, some told through the centuries and some new, but all equally frightening. Bogeymen, trolls, ghosts, monsters, all brought to life. Time for Aztec sacrifices. This is the Day of the Dead.
Barbarous Mexico