Raimondas Vabalas
2021Laiptai į dangų
Raimondas Vabalas
Vaclovas Blėdis, Irena Garasimavičiūtė
Under the USSR oppression a family breaks up and its members find themselves on opposite sides of the barricades. Based on the Mykolas Sluckis' novel, the film tells the story of a dramatic and painful reality of the post-war Lithuania.
Laiptai į dangų

Žingsniai naktį
Raimondas Vabalas
Vabalas’s thesis film “Footsteps in the Night” (1962) portrays Kaunas in 1943, occupied by the German army. Alex, who recently returned to the city, tries to join the anti-Nazi resistance, but is captured and imprisoned. He soon starts planning his escape. Even though the screenplay was forced on him by his superiors, Vabalas managed to avoid creating an overly-heroic film. Instead, his work is filled with tension and complex characters. The film involved one of the most memorable scenes in Lithuanian cinema, portraying prisoners dancing by the fire. (Kino Pavasaris)
Steps in the Night

Raimondas Vabalas, Arūnas Žebriūnas
Eugenija Pleškytė, Stass Petronaitis
A lithuanian village just after the end of the second World War: Neither German nor Russian its inhabitants must, despite their wounds, find new craft to dream of a better future ahead of them.