Christian Braad Thomsen
2021Cineastes en acció
Carlos Benpar
Marta Belmonte, Aitor Martínez
What is the state of cinema and what being a filmmaker means? What are the measures taken to protect authors' copyright? What is their legal status in different countries? (Sequel to “Filmmakers vs. Tycoons.”)
Filmmakers in Action

Fassbinder – lieben ohne zu fordern
Christian Braad Thomsen
Rainer Werner Fassbinder, Irm Hermann
Rainer Werner Fassbinder was probably Germany’s most significant post-war director. His swift and dramatic demise at the early age of 37 in 1982 left behind a vacuum in European filmmaking that has yet to be filled, as well as a body of unique, multi-layered and multifarious work of astonishing consistency and rigour. From 1969 onwards, Danish director and film historian Christian Braad Thomsen maintained a close yet respectfully distanced friendship with Fassbinder. Fassbinder – Lieben ohne zu fordern is based on his personal memories as well as a series of conversations and interviews he held with Fassbinder and his mother Lilo in the 1970s.
Fassbinder: Love Without Demands

Koks i kulissen
Christian Braad Thomsen
Helle Ryslinge, Anne Marie Helger
Laura and Micha travel the Danish countryside performing their off-beat cabaret show. Their personal lives suffer as a result of their dedication to their craft, yet the chaos that ensues becomes the grist for their revue.
Ladies on the Rocks

Den blå munk
Christian Braad Thomsen
Therese Glahn, Helle Ryslinge
The waitresses at a Copenhagen bar find themselves listening to and advising various clients who wander in to unburden their current problems. The Blue Monk is so named because its jukebox constantly plays music by jazz musician Thelonius Monk. ...The Blue Monk
The Blue Monk

Herfra min verden går
Christian Braad Thomsen
Helle Ryslinge, Christian Braad Thomsen
Danish writer/director/critic Christian Braad Thomsen goes back to his Jutland village roots in this documentary film, and lets the interviews with his neighbors and others from his homeland speak for themselves. Jutland has gone from being a remote rural spot to becoming a favored vacation spot, and the rigors of unchecked development in contrast to the past is the main theme of their discussions.
Well-spring of My World

Drømme støjer ikke når de dør
Christian Braad Thomsen
Kai Holm, Karl Stegger
It has hardly been seen before that a 83-year-old actor has starred in a Danish film, but it is the case here, where Kai Holm says goodbye to a long life in film and theater service. He plays an old peasant who on his deathbed is waiting for his son (Jon Bang Carlsen). In a few days he relives the village life, he comes from, and which was marked by a hard and authoritarian upbringing. He is at his father's deathbed despair because it is still impossible to make contact, and in a crisis situation, he recognizes his father's brutality in itself. The film draws a bitter picture of human relationships where dreams while they die, degenerates into power relations.
Dreams Don't Make Noise When They Die

Humørkort-stativ-sælgerens søn
Peter Bay
Thomas Bo Larsen, Hella Joof
Rasmus is a commissioning editor prepared to go to lengths to keep people happy - which is just what he has to do, because Rasmus has a problem. He can't say no. To his ex-girlfriend who wants a baby or his new girlfriend, who wants things clear cut, or his author pal, who wants to write for a limited audience, or his new boss, who wants to publish sex guides.
The Man Who Couldn't Say No