Jackie McKimmie
Jackie McKimmie
Noni Hazlehurst, Tim Burns
Set in working class Brisbane in 1953, Stations is an evocative short drama featuring Noni Hazelhurst as a young woman coning to terms with her romantic illusions. “A sensual piting of black-and-white social realism against memory-hazed fantasy sequences . . . It is a film of immediate and engaging feel for human weakness and strength”

No Problems
Jackie McKimmie
Mercy Steele remembers her close-to idyllic childhood in rural Queensland in the twenties. Images of the landscape, abundant foods and fruits interspersed with reconstructed snatches of the way things were, show a simple life that belies the tragedy which her family later suffered. Constructed images of a lush and beautiful place suggest an uncomplicated life of harmony and abundance reminiscent of a late 19th century European way of seen Antipodean landscapes.
No Problems