Sandra Werneck
2021Cinema em 7 Cores
Felipe Tostes, Rafaela Dias
Karim Aïnouz, Monique Lafond
Cinema in 7 Colors traces an historical panorama of how the queer people were portrayed in the Brazilian silver screens, from its origin in the chanchadas of the 1950s up to the present day. The film investigates the origins of the prejudices, stereotypes, as well as the importance of the identification with constructive representations of these characters.
Cinema in 7 Colors

Sandra Werneck, Jom Tob Azulay
The training process of professional soccer players has become part of a powerful economic system. The case of Pintinho illustrates the drama not only of soccer players, but all those gifted with talent and potential who permanently struggle against the social and economic conditions in which they live and which hinder their personal realization. The film shows soccer as one of the few ways of escaping poor social conditions, as well as the high price of success, the problems in overcoming personal limitations and bearing the pressures of premature expectations.

Sandra Werneck, Gisela Camara
Edilene Ferreira da Silva, Evelin Rodrigues dos Santos
Evelin, 13, is pregnant with a 22-year-old who recently left the drug trade. Luana, 15 years old, declares that she planned her pregnancy, as she wanted to have a child of her own. Edilene, 14 years old, is expecting Alex's child, who also got her neighbor Joice pregnant. Over the course of a year, the daily lives of these three young women are followed.

Cazuza: Time Doesn't Stop
Walter Carvalho, Sandra Werneck
Daniel de Oliveira, Marieta Severo
Inspired by the moving book “Só as Mães São Felizes”, by Lucinha Araújo, Cazuza's mother, the film covers a little more than 10 years of the singer’s crazy and brief life – from the beginning of his career in the Circo Voador venue, in 1981, to the huge success and the apotheosis of his shows with the Barão Vermelho band, his solo career, his relations with his parents, friends, lovers and passions, and the courage he had to face his final years, with HIV, until his death, in 1990.
Cazuza: Time Doesn't Stop

Mexeu com Uma, Mexeu com Todas
Sandra Werneck
Joanna Maranhão, Clara Averbuck
“Touch one, touch us all” is a slogan of the women who took over the streets in Brazil and organized themselves in social networks to face male chauvinist and conservatism. Through testimonies of women who have been subjected to violence, the documentary reveals that, despite legal achievements, the woman still remains vulnerable. Amongst other deponents are Maria da Penha, Joanna Maranhão, Luíza Brunet, and Clara Averbuck.
Mexeu com uma, mexeu com todas

Pequeno Dicionário Amoroso
Sandra Werneck
Andréa Beltrão, Daniel Dantas
Luiza is an architect who just got out of a ruinous relationship. Gabriel is a biologist and he has finished a long marriage with divorce. When they both meet, chances that they can do well together are not that big. But they will try to, even if their friends Barata (a convict bachelor totally skeptical when it comes to love) and Marta (a mathematic analyst who wishes that human relations were just as exact as numbers are) think otherwise.
Little Book of Love

Possible Loves
Sandra Werneck
Murilo Benício, Carolina Ferraz
Fifteen year ago, Carlos went to the cinema to meet Júlia, his university colleague with whom he was in love. She never showed up. Carlos was left waiting in the lobby alone. While he waits, something happens which will change his life. A scene, an encounter, an unfinished sentence... Something insignificant, but which will determine the character's life. Fifteen years later, we follow three completely different versions of Carlos's life. In one, he is a man divided between the stability of a secure life in a lukewarm marriage, and the growing desire to live a great love affair. In the second, he is homosexual and places passion above all else. In the third possible life, Carlos is a man who hasn't yet discovered love, and lives through successive disastrous relationships in search of the perfect woman. One of them is his real life. Another is not his life. And a third is the life he'd like to lead. Which is his true life ?
Possible Loves

Sonhos Roubados
Sandra Werneck
Amanda Diniz, Kika Farias
Jessica, Sabrina and Daiane have dreams, just like all young people of any social class or place in the world. They live in a low-income neighborhood in the periphery of Rio de Janeiro and find in prostitution a way to survive and satisfy their consumer desires. However, even faced with the trials of absolute uncertainty and lack of hope, Jessica, Sabrina and Daiane insist on loving, having fun and planning their future.
Stolen Dreams