René Hervil
2021Le Bouif errant
René Hervil
Tramel, Albert Préjean
Bicard nicknamed Le Bouif earns 1,000 francs for lending his body to the experiments conducted by Professor Caligari. Further adventures await him when he encounters Ladislas, a young reveler, who happens to be the crown prince of Corinthia. This one, who favors living it up over his royal duty, commissions Bicard to replace him on the throne.
Le Bouif errant

René Hervil
Max Dearly, Simone Rouvière
Remember when Julie Andrews in The Sound of Music says "Every time God closes a door, He opens a window?" Well, this is basically the same philosophy followed by a sage authority named Professor Azais. Though he is never seen in the film, Azais's influences dictates every move made by Le Baron Wurtz (Max Dearly), a private tutor. Though he suffers quite a few setbacks, Wurtz presses on, armed by the Azaiz philosophy that every time something goes wrong in one part of the world, it is balanced by something going right elsewhere. This "law of compensations" pays off in big laughs for the audience, and in a happy-ever-after for Wurtz. Azais was based on a play by Georges Berr and Rene Verneuil.

La flamme
René Hervil
Cléo d'Aubigny, a music-hall star, once had a love affair with the rich Lord Sedley and had a son from him. But Cléo, putting her career first, has always neglected little Hugues, letting Lord Sedley take him with him and educate him. Now she feels terribly guilty and tries to resume contact with her son.
The Flame

Le prince Jean
René Hervil
Claire d'Arlon loves Jean d'Axel, a gambler who completely ruined himself. He goes away and Claire, left alone, ends up marrying Arnheim, a banker. The latter actually conspired to ruin Jean so he could marry his fiancée. Jean returns to set things right.
Bonds of Honour

René Hervil
Suzanne Grandais, Pierre Sailhan
Marie Pasque, known as Simplette, lives in an uneventful life in her Provence village. Her godmother, Madame Rouvière, is fond of her and desires only that she marries her nephew, Robert. When she dies, Rouvière leaves her fortune to Robert on the condition that he takes Marie as his wife. Unfortunately, Robert is already in love with an actress. To save his company from financial ruin, Robert is forced to marry Marie, but as soon as he has received the first half of the inheritance he returns to his former mistress. Marie is still in love with Robert, and she uses the other half of Madame Rouvière's inheritance to help her husband's company survive another financial crisis. When he hears of this, Robert decides to return to Marie but he arrives too late.

René Hervil
Pierre Magnier, Dolly Davis
Jean Fleury, a young engineer who has designed a revolutionary engine for the Revoil motor company, is engaged to Aimée Valois, a seamstress, his neighbor across the hall. But the charming young lady is hired one day by a nightclub and lets herself be lured by the easy life in Paris. So much so that, to Jean's great distress, she breaks up with him. But, along with time, Aimée gets tired of her vain and frivolous lifestyle and comes back to Jean.

Les deux gamines
René Hervil, Maurice Champreux
Claude Barghon, Abel Tarride
Two girls, Ginette and Gaby, have just run away, outraged by the mistreatment of their governess. After many adventures, they will find their father, who has become a thug, and their mother who had disappeared in a shipwreck.
The Two Girls

Aux jardins de Murcie
René Hervil, Louis Mercanton
Arlette Marchal, Pierre Daltour
There is a rivalry between the top part and the lower part of the village of Murcie because of water. Pancho, Maria del Carmen's fiancé, hurts Xavier, son of the rich Domingo, so he has to leave the country. Maria proposes to take care of Xavier in exchange for Pancho's freedom. Unfortunately, Xavier falls in love with her and Domingo forces her to marry his son. Pancho reappears, ready to defy Xavier, but the two overhear a conversation and learn that Xavier's days are numbered. So he asks Pancho to elope with Maria.