Borhane Alaouié
1941 (83 года)Harb El Khalij... wa baad
Mostafa Derkaoui, Borhane Alaouié
Raouf Ben Amor, Najate Atabou
The second Gulf War from 1990 to 1991 represents in the collective Arab memory a turning point in regards to the Arab nationalism’s self-perception as well as a moment of deep historical and existential insecurity. Five Arab directors discuss the events from their personal perspective.
The Gulf War... What Next?

Lettre d'un temps d'exil
Borhane Alaouié
Alaouié presents the stories of four exiles from Beirut. Their only connection is the voice of the narrator and their situation of living in exile in Europe. Told with a subtle humor, the film sketches four highly individual portraits of people, whose lives have taken unexpected turns due to the madness of the Civil War.
Letter from a Time of Exile

بيروت اللقاء
Borhane Alaouié
Haithem el Amine, Nadine Acoury
Zeina (Nadine Acoury) is a Catholic student whose good friend Haidar (Haithem El Amine), a Muslim, has always been particularly close. After a futile attempt to get together (he gets caught in traffic), they each decide to make an audio tape trying to explain, based on their own ideas, why there continues to be fighting in Lebanon now, in 1977, and why they are against it. Zeina is about to leave for the United States and Haidar is to meet her at the airport, where they will exchange their tapes. Alas, fate intervenes because when he arrives early at the airport, he is harassed by someone looking to prey on gullible refugees and he gets so angry that he grabs a taxi out of there, throwing his tape away as he does so. When Zeina arrives and realizes he is not there, she is broken-hearted. In a strange twist at the end, the cast and the director (Borhane Alaouie) have a discussion as to whether or not the character of Haidar should kill himself.
Beirut: The Encounter

كفر قاسم
Borhane Alaouié
Abdallah Abbassi, Ahmad Ayub
On the eve of the Israeli attack on Egypt in 1956, Israel decalres Martial law in all the occupied Arab teritories without any previous notice. When the villagers of Kafar Kassem returned home from the fields, they were butchered and killed in what is known today as the massacre of “Kafar Kassem”.
Kafr Kassem

إليك أينما تكون
Borhane Alaouié
After “Letter From a Time of Exile”, the director is back in Lebanon where he discovers that his dreams about his country are an illusion and that the exile in your homeland is by far the worst exile. Programmer's Note: Borhane Alaouié returns to Beirut from his exile. His documentary film constitutes a new letter at the start of the 21st century in reply to the letters of the 1980s. The reconstruction process appears to affect stones more than people.
To You, Wherever You Are