Vladimir Danilevich
1924 - 2001Родился 4 сентября 1924 года в Москве.
В 1947 году окончил курсы художников-мультипликаторов при киностудии «Союзмультфильм» и тогда же начал работать на студии художником, художником-мультипликатором, с 1957 года — режиссёром-мультипликатором. На первом этапе режиссёрской деятельности Владимир Данилевич сотрудничал с мэтром отечественной мультипликации И. П. Ивановым-Вано. В творческом содружестве созданы фильмы: «Левша», «Как один мужик двух генералов прокормил», «Поди туда, не знаю куда» (полнометражный), «Легенда о злом великане», «Аве Мария».
С 1968 года режиссёр работал в области объёмно-кукольной мультипликации, которая в то время достигла высокого художественного уровня.
Результатом плодотворной совместной деятельности с Владимиром Дегтярёвым стали фильмы «Сказка о Снегурочке» и «В гостях у гномов».
Умер 9 октября 2001 года.
Советская мультипликационная пропаганда
Anatoliy Karanovich, Youry Merkulov
Joan Borsten, Richard Harrison
A landmark four disc Box Set - Unearthed from Moscow's legendary Soyuzmultfilm Studios, the 41 films in ANIMATED SOVIET PROPAGANDA span sixty years of Soviet history (1924 - 1984), and have never been available before in the U.S.
Animated Soviet Propaganda

Ivan Ivanov-Vano, Vladimir Danilevich
Surprising master Lefty, who grounded a steel flea. This feature-length cutout-animated film from the Soviet Union is based on the story of the same name by the 19th century Russian novelist Nikolai Leskov. It was directed by the "Patriarch of Soviet animation", Ivan Ivanov-Vano, at the Soyuzmult film studio.

Как один мужик двух генералов прокормил
Ivan Ivanov-Vano, Vladimir Danilevich
Dmitry Zhuravlev
The screen version of the Saltykov-Shchedrin tale about how two complacent generals miraculously found themselves on an uninhabited island. How a peasant was courting the generals, feeding and dressing them, content himself with crumbs from their table. They only slightly thanked him, but in the end they gave him only glass of vodka and a penny of silver.
How One Peasant Fed Two Generals

Легенда о злом великане
Ivan Ivanov-Vano, Vladimir Danilevich
Anatoli Papanov
Once upon a time there lived a poor fisherman in a dilapidated dugout on the seashore. He went to the sea on a boat, he was fishing. And once he caught an old bottle on which was the inscription that the one who opens this bottle, will receive untold treasures, become noble and rich. The fisherman, of course, without hesitation, opened the bottle, and from there the Genie burst out. He laughed at the fisherman, called him a bitch, but he fulfilled the promise, giving him a lot of gold. And the fisherman became the richest and most revered, but this did not bring any treasures to him, because the release on freedom the Genie, caused many troubles - as a result of the storms many fishermen fell. The fisherman, suffering with conscience, went to a wise wizard to ask how to rid the world of the cruel Genie. And he replied that there is only one way out.
The Legend of the Cruel Giant

Сказка о Снегурочке
Vladimir Degtyarev, Vladimir Danilevich
Yuri Khrzhanovsky, Georgiy Vitsin
Once an old man and an old woman fashioned their daughter out of the snow, and Santa Claus revived her. The Snow Maiden was beautiful, kind, hardworking, and everyone loved her very much. Spring came. The Snow Maiden stopped playing and hid from the hot sun all the time. Somehow, the village children started jumping over a blazing fire. They persuaded the Snow Maiden to take part in the game...
The Tale of the Snow Maiden

Поросёнок в колючей шубке
Vladimir Danilevich
Vsevolod Larionov, Natalya Chenchik
Мультипликационный фильм по сказке Сергея Козлова о том, как одинокого ежика снежинки звали на улицу, но принимали его за колючего поросенка, потому что он разговаривал с ними, прижавшись к стеклу носом.
Поросёнок в колючей шубке

Щенок и старая тапочка
Vladimir Danilevich
Mariya Vinogradova, Vsevolod Larionov
Каждый должен определиться в жизни, кем он хочет стать, какую пользу приносить, чем хочет полезным заниматься. Вот и маленький песик решил, во что бы то ни стало, узнать, для чего живёт и кто он на самом деле. Этого милого создания покажет короткометражный кукольный мультфильм Щенок и старая тапочка, созданный советским режиссёром Владимиром Данилевичем в объёмной манере съёмки на легендарной...
Щенок и старая тапочка

Желтый слон
Vladimir Danilevich
A good story about how important it is to be able to negotiate and give in to each other. All the guys are looking forward to the New Year's carnival, choosing costumes for themselves. Bunnies, squirrels, bears, snowflakes and snowmen gathered at the Christmas tree. Two girlfriends sewed a yellow elephant costume for the celebration. They could become the most original and bright at the carnival, if they did not quarrel constantly. Each thought only of herself, not wanting to yield in anything. Really girlfriends, having quarreled seriously, will be left without a holiday?
Yellow Elephant

Gnome Sweet Gnome
Vladimir Danilevich, Vladimir Dektiariov
The story of two little gnomes. One of them fell down a hole, lucky for him his friend was a geologist who could try to get him out. But once down the hole he found treasure and precious jewells. They then had an idea to fill the sky with the jewells to make it brighter. English dubbed video that compiles two Russian animations: "In the Gnomes Home" 1975 and "The 38 parrots" 1979.
Gnome Sweet Gnome