John Schmidt
2021The Crossing
John Schmidt
David A.R. White, Kevin Downes
What is the most important thing in life? That's the question Jason Reynolds and his classmates are assigned as a topic for speech class. But when Jason watches his best friend fight a life and death battle with leukemia, the question becomes far more than an academic endeavor. This powerful video dramatically presents the good news of the gospel in the context of the love that sent Christ to the cross. As Jason comes to grips with the realities of life and the consequences of sin, viewers are challenged to answer for themselves the question of life's ultimate priority. An excellent program for outreach events, for evangelistic invitations in your youth group or in homes, or to inspire believers to share their faith.
The Crossing

Kevin Can Wait
John Schmidt
Jim Schmidt, Kevin Cushing
Jim Peterson invites several people home for dinner after a church service. One of them is a college football player, the other is a man named David. David asks Jim if he can invite a grubby mechanic named Kevin to come with him, and Jim reluctantly agrees. What follows is a consistent pattern of Jim ignoring Kevin, in favor of the more wealthy, attractive, and talented people around him. What Jim doesn't know that David is an angel, sent by God. By various means, David shows Jim how to be a friend to those around him who need it most, regardless of their wealth, talent, or perceived social position.
Kevin Can Wait

A Vow To Cherish
John Schmidt
Ken Howard, Barbara Babcock
John and Ellen have a picture-perfect life: while John runs a successful business, Ellen works as a schoolteacher, and they've raised two beautiful children. But that picture is shattered when Ellen is diagnosed with a devastating disease. The couple's relationship faces its hardest test yet, and before long, John's business starts to suffer and his eye begins to wander after he finds a lovely new jogging partner.
A Vow To Cherish

The Story of Jesus for Children
John Schmidt
Mikael Ayele, Brian Deacon
"The Story of Jesus for Children" is a video/DVD which will give every child, both churched and unchurched, a chance to see and hear the gospel of Jesus in a way he/she can understand, in every possible language worldwide. (see our Languages page for current list). "The Story of Jesus for Children" provides a solution to the challenge of teaching children the truth about God and His Son Jesus. The video allows children to hear and see the whole story at once, answering questions in clear and concrete terms, and providing fast action. *(The dialogue of the original "JESUS" film was taken from the Gospel of Luke. It has been translated into more than 1,000 languages and has had more than 6 billion viewings worldwide since 1979, making "JESUS" the most-watched film in history.)
The Story of Jesus for Children

The Climb
John Schmidt
Ned Vaughn, Jason George
A pair of mismatched rock climbers must learn to work together to conquer one of the world's most treacherous mountains in this adventure tale. After rescuing a wealthy man, solo climbers Michael and Derrick are rewarded with a chance to summit Mount Chicanagua. Risk-taker Derrick clashes with safety-conscious Michael, but in order to live through the ordeal they must work as a team.
The Climb

Super Christian
John Schmidt
Jim Schmidt
It's a bird, it's a plane, it's-- Super Christian? Clark Kant is a mild-mannered Christian teenager with a super secret. Through light-hearted humor, the Super Christian series sets out to teach us something about Christian growth. In the first installment of Super Christian, we find that Clark Kant lives in two different worlds. During the week, Clark follows the standards of the world. "Why not?" he asks himself. "Isn't everybody doing it?" But on Sunday, in his Super Christian Best, Clark presents quite a different image. Then Clark learns through a friend that the Christian faith is for every day of the week, not just for Sundays.
Super Christian