John Hayes Fisher
2021Cue the Queen: Celebrating the Christmas Speech
John Hayes Fisher
Kirsty Young, David Attenborough
Kirsty Young takes a unique look at the story of the Royal Christmas broadcast and how the tradition started by King George V in 1932 has found a place at the heart of Christmas Day.
Cue the Queen: Celebrating the Christmas Speech

Churchill: The Nation's Farewell
John Hayes Fisher
Jeremy Paxman
On the 50th anniversary of Winston Churchill's death, Jeremy Paxman tells the story of the send-off which Britain gave to the man who led the country to victory in the Second World War. More than a million people came to line the streets of London on the freezing day in late January to pay their respects as his coffin was taken from the lying-in-state at Westminster to St Paul's Cathedral. Millions more watched the state funeral on television. Churchill was the only commoner in the twentieth century to receive the honour of such a magnificent ceremony.
Churchill: The Nation's Farewell