Virve Aruoja
2021Lõppematu päev
Virve Aruoja, Jaan Tooming
Jaan Tooming
Among Tooming's filmic works, Endless Day provides perhaps the most eloquent material for investigating the radical renewal of visual and narrative form, as well as the shifting registers of spatio-social portrayals and critiques in Estonian cinema. It was banned in 1971 and ordered to be destroyed. However, the film was retained and restored in the 1990s.
Endless Day

Värvilised unenäod
Virve Aruoja, Jaan Tooming
Katrin Zilinska, Meelis Küttim
Little Kati spends her summer at her grandma's. Her playmates are the village boys and the whole countryside - animals, flowers, the wind and stones. Kati conjures up the sun and floats above the fields of flowers and the whole universe. There is no borderline between reality and the magic world. Is it possible to play the same game also at her home in the city?
Colorful Dreams

Näitleja Joller
Virve Aruoja
Voldemar Panso, Jüri Järvet
Toomas Joller has been an actor for twenty years. Joller is popular and has been awarded the honorary title of People's Artist. But Joller's star is gradually fading. He becomes egoistic and self-centered, his performances remain superficial. An actor's internal combustion requires hot water, which Joller uses in abundance together with his friend, the comedy actor Ruts.
Actor Joller

Minu naine sai vanaemaks
Virve Aruoja
Aarne Üksküla, Ita Ever
A middle-aged literature teacher who devotes his free time to poetry is used to being the center of admiration for his family, especially his wife. One day, however, a grandchild arrives at the house, who immediately grabs the full attention of all those around him. The fresh grandfather turns out to be excluded and decides to leave the house, confident that it will restore him to his former position. This is followed by a day full of surprising encounters.
My Wife Became a Grandmother

Kolmest kaheteistkümneni
Virve Aruoja, Astrid Lepa
Jaan Kilp, Sigrid Aamisepp
Музыкальный видовой фильм о вечернем свидании Сигрид и Яана, парочке молодых жителей эстонской столицы. Их романтические прогулки по улочкам, скверам и паркам Таллинна под великолепные мотивы фри–джаза. За коктейлем в кафе вместе с Сигрид и Яаном можно насладиться легкими музыкальными композициями в исполнении мужского вокально–инструментального квартета, а также услышать популярных эстонских эстрадных певцов — Калмера Тенносаара, а также Хели Ляэтс с необычайно красивой версией вечнозеленого хита Аркадия Островского и Сергея Острового "Песня остаётся с человеком".
From Three to Twelve