Christian Boltanski
1944 - 2021La vie impossible de Christian Boltanski
Christian Boltanski
Trimmed photographs taken from different sources such as postcards, newspapers, police registries, and family photo albums, creating a vast art installation, merge Christian Boltanski's everyday life and lost memories.
La vie impossible de Christian Boltanski

Essai de reconstitution des 46 jours qui précédèrent la mort de Françoise Guiniou
Christian Boltanski
A young woman threatened with expropriation decides to shut herself in her apartment with her two children, until death ensues. Boltanski, following the logic of despair, shows us the unimaginable.
Essai de reconstitution des 46 jours qui précédèrent la mort de Françoise Guiniou

Quelques Souvenirs de jeunesse
Christian Boltanski
This performance was recorded in the presence of an audience. In his act, Boltanski deals with various incidents from his childhood. All the sketches are set in the past, which suggests that most of the characters are no longer alive.
Quelques Souvenirs de jeunesse

Tentatives de se décrire
Boris Lehman
Mirèse Aerdts, Nathalie André
Trying to describe oneself is a movie about representation. How it is possible, through film, to describe oneself and describe others. With the camera as mirror and third eye. At first, a collage-like combination of letter-writing, investigation and journey, something between documentary and feature film. Finally, a portrait of Boris Lehman from 1989 to 1995, part II of BABEL.
Trying to Describe Oneself

Le Filmeur
Alain Cavalier
Alain Cavalier, Christian Boltanski
From his diary, filmed over ten years, filmmaker Alain Cavalier invites us to a meditation on old age, weakness and death. Made of moments of life, fragments of images, this film composes a mosaic where the spectator is invited to also find his place by himself...
Le Filmeur

Christian Boltanski
On his search to find an answer to the question of destiny, Boltanski travelled to the north of Patagonia, where whales gather at certain periods of the year. Legend has it that whales harbour the secrets of the universe. With the help of acoustic enginners, he installed horns that are specially designed to capture the wind and emit sounds very similar to whale song. These sound objects are located in the desert and destined to disappear ; only the tale will remain behind. The screens bring together three concepts : questioning (the whales), emptiness (the lack of a response), and the image of death (the carcass).

Animitas Chili
Christian Boltanski
Initially created in the form of an installation in the Atacama Desert in Chile, Animitas pays homage to memorial altars. Filmed in a single static shot from sunrise to sunset, with a ground-level view of an expanse of fresh flowers, the work captures the sound of 800 small Japanese bells, chiming in the wind. Fixed to the ground, they reproduce the map of the stars on the night Boltanski was born. Their chimes evoke the “music of the stars and the voice of floating souls”. The same installation was created on the Japanese island of Teshima (La Forêt des murmures, 2016), on the island of Orléans in Quebec (Blanc, 2017) and near the Dead Sea (2017). A major figure on the international art scene, Boltanski has been weaving true and fictional stories together since the 1970s, inspired by individual and collective histories. The theme of memory, the obsession with not allowing people to forget, and the ability to revisit myths are central to his approach.
Animitas Chili