Paľo Bielik
1910 - 1983Štyridsaťštyri
Paľo Bielik
Juraj Sarvaš, Dušan Blaškovič
Drama about the rebellion of the Trencín Infantry Regiment against its superior officers in the Serbian city of Kragujevac, at the end of the First World War. It was the biggest and deadliest rebellion in the Austro-Hungarian army.

Paľo Bielik
František Kuchta, Ctibor Filčík
This film is one of the most popular pictures of Slovak cinema and relates the story about the legendary folk hero and brigand Juro Jánošík [1688-1713] and the social situation in Slovakia of the late 17th and early 18th centuries. The first part talks about Jánošík's childhood, studies and return to his native village. In the second part Jánošík leaves for the hills, where he organizes his band of brigands and starts an anti-feudal resistance. The film concludes with Jánošík's execution.

Martin Frič
Paľo Bielik, Jiřina Štěpničková
A drama about Slovaks who emigrated before WW I. It is focused on the life of Ondrej Muranica. He emigrates to America because of the hard life that is partly caused by Hungarian landowners. His dreams and hopes for a happier life are destroyed by a disaster in the mines where he works. Ondrej is declared missing.Years later he returns to his home country and finds out his wife married his best friend.

Kapitán Dabač
Paľo Bielik
Ladislav Chudík, Elo Romančík
Капитан Дабач служил в словацких частях гитлеровской армии, видел зверства и бессмысленную жестокость фашистов. Он всегда бездумно подчинялся приказам. Но однажды он не выполнил приказа и отказался расстреливать беззащитное население маленькой украинской деревни. Его судили, приговорили к расстрелу. Дабачу удалось бежать, и он примкнул к партизанам. В дни национального восстания против оккупантов Дабач был одним из его активных участников.
Kapitán Dabač

Martin Frič
Paľo Bielik, Zlata Hajdúková
Jánošík has been topic of many Slovak and Polish legends, books and films. According to the legend, he robbed nobles and gave the loot to the poor. The legend were also known in neighboring Silesia, the Margraviate of Moravia and later spread to the Kingdom of Bohemia. The actual robber had little to do with the modern legend, whose content partly reflects the ubiquitous folk myths of a hero taking from the rich and giving to the poor. However, the legend was also shaped in important ways by the activists and writers in the 19th century when Jánošík became the key highwayman character in stories that spread in the north counties of the Kingdom of Hungary (present Slovakia) and among the local Gorals and Polish tourists in the Podhale region north of the Tatras.

Majster kat
Paľo Bielik
Vlado Müller, František Dibarbora
A dramatic story about two friends - fisherman Richardus and municipal executioner Emil Targo takes place at the river Danube, in places that used to be targets of Ottoman raids. But their attraction to the same woman and Emil’s betrayal change their indissoluble friendship to an equally strong hatred. And as it usually goes - after twenty years by a trick of fate Richardus’ daughter Agajka becomes the wife ofthe sun of his sworn enemy.
Majster kat

Paľo Bielik
Alexander Kautnik, Gustáv Valach
В основу фильма положены события, связанные с постройкой крупной ирригационной плотины в горах Словакии. В одном из глухих местечек, где люди веками привыкли подчиняться старосте, ксендзу и кулаку, начинается стройка. Появляются новые люди, а с ними и новое отношение к жизни. Несмотря на противодействие кулаков, мечтающих о возращении старых порядков, постройка плотины успешно завершается.