Vladimir Shredel
2021Поздняя встреча
Vladimir Shredel
Aleksey Batalov, Margarita Volodina
The film takes place in Leningrad and Sverdlovsk, in 1970 and 1979. Arriving on a business trip from Sverdlovsk in the Lenfilm, engineer catapults Sergei Gushchin meets a young actress Natasha. She invites him to show Leningrad, but Gushchin and he knows the city - he served here during the war. They are looking for an excuse for further meetings, but he always finds a reason to not to meet with the woman who is many years younger than him and with whom he has fallen in love with. Natasha understands too that she loves this man, but Gushchin leaves, and not daring to associate with her fate. In the end he leaves and only returns to Leningrad nine years later and then he tries to find Natasha again.
Late Meeting

Два воскресенья
Vladimir Shredel
Andrey Mironov, Lyudmila Dolgorukova
Люська, служащая единственной сберкассы совсем молодого города Радиозаводска, выигрывает на лотерейный билет нейлоновую шубку. Сослуживцы советуют девушке получить деньги и купить какую-нибудь полезную штуку. Люська едет в областной город, получает деньги и решает потратить их на двухнедельную поездку в Москву.
Dva voskresenya

Grigori Nikulin, Vladimir Shredel
Tatyana Piletskaya, Yuri Puzyryov
Nadya Shumin is engaged to be married to Andrey Andreitch, the son of a local priest. Nadya lives on her grandmother's estate with her mother, "a fair-haired woman tightly laced in, with a pince-nez, and diamonds on every finger." While Nadya is a woman with a great desire for education and independence, Andrey is a friendly but rather vacuous and totally unmotivated man. Sasha, an ill and impoverished young man who is spending the summer on the estate has long been considered part of the family. Sasha implores Nadya to follow her heart - to go to Petersburg and attend the University.
The Bride

Пятеро с неба
Vladimir Shredel
Gleb Selyanin, German Yushko
The Soviet command has alarming information about the new invention of the enemy. According to intelligence, the Nazis delivered a batch of new chemical shells filled with gas of tremendous destructive power to one of the sections of the Eastern Front. The Nazis want to test them in combat conditions, and then apply them on a large scale.
Five from the sky

Длинное, длинное дело
Grigoriy Aronov, Vladimir Shredel
Vladimir Zamanskiy, Oleg Yankovskiy
A murder just happened and it seems the answer is simple on who and how did it. But a casual talk between suspect's mother and prosecutor sets a different point of view on a just opened case.
A Long, Long Deal

Vladimir Shredel
Iya Savvina, Georgi Zhzhyonov
По мотивам одноименного рассказа Ю.Нагибина. Директор завода Кунгурцев возвращается из заграничной поездки и узнает, что его давний и единственный друг инженер Алексей Путятин собирается жениться на Вере, которая сильно отличается от любимой всеми Липы, первой жены Алексея.
Someone Else's

Ночной гость
Vladimir Shredel
Innokentiy Smoktunovskiy, Georgi Zhzhyonov
Поздним летним вечером в домике на берегу красивого озера, где обычно останавливаются рыболовы, появляется еще один гость - Пал Палыч. Вскоре хозяйка, и все постояльцы начинают чувствовать, что за внешним обаянием, за пустой красивой фразой скрывается равнодушный и очень эгоистичный человек.
The Night Guest