Pol Turrents
2021Julia de Castro de la Puríssima: Anatomía de una criminal
Javier Giner
Julia de Castro, Javier Giner
This mockumentary, directed by Javier Giner, follows Julia de Castro, cuplé singer and actress, from the musical quartet De la Puríssima, in her personal oddysey to find someone who truly appreciates her artisticv alue, reflected in a portrait painted by Oscar Tusquets
Julia de Castro de la Puríssima: Anatomía de una criminal

Histèria de Catalunya
Carolina Cabrerizo, Borja Crespo
Carles Puigdemont, King Felipe VI of Spain
A punk documentary which is, at the same time, a history of Catalonia, an analysis of its political situation in 2017, a comic lamentation on the milestones of the Procés —the broken, unsuccessful path started October 1st which eventually should've ended with a true declaration of independence from Spain—, and a chaotic festival of references to pop culture, from Dumbo to Salvador Dalí.
Histèria de Catalunya