Branko Ištvančić
2021Plašitelj kormorana
Branko Ištvančić
It depicts the daily lives of people whose job is to chase away cormorants that eat fish from a fish farm near Donji Miholjac, Croatia. Cormorants are protected by law and their nesting grounds are located across the border, in Hungary, which gives the protagonists’ efforts a Sisyphean, absurd.
The Cormorant Scarecrow

Most na kraju svijeta
Branko Ištvančić
Aleksandar Bogdanović, Sanja Radišić
The war has ended. Villages of Bosnian Croats have been destroyed, and they are living in the homes of the Croatian Serbs. An old man, a Bosnian Croat, disappears. A policeman Filip, himself living in a Serbian home, investigates the case uninterestedly. Through the relationship with his father, Filip tries to understand the motives of the missing old man. As the film moves towards the end, Filip’s investigation becomes more and more personal.
The Bridge at the End of the World

Duh u močvari
Branko Ištvančić
Marko Pavlov, Robert Váss
After Liptus arrives in a small village from the city, he calls his best friends, Miron and Melita, on winter holidays in Kopacevo. That same night, while they are all sleeping cozily, from their deep sleep Miron and Melita are woken by the disturbing sounds of villagers, carrying flares and disappearing into the darkness at the end of the street. At the docks, they find Halasz, a boy known for his bravery. He is cold, pale from shock, and babbling a white ghost. While most of the villagers don't believe Halasz's story, older citizens recall a long time ago when a forgotten spirit would scare people at night in dark and foggy swamps. Everyone locks themselves in their houses and Halasz ends up in a hospital where the doctors can't help him. Miron, Liptus, and Melita, now alone, take matters into their own hands, revealing the secret of the ghost and saving their friend.
The Ghost in the Swamp