Yin Cheng
1917 - 1984龍虎會風雲
Shen Chiang
Shih Szu, Lo Lieh
Heroes of Sung stars one of the original kung-fu ladies of the silver screen Shih Szu playing swordswoman Meng Hung who must work with Fan Tien-fu, played by perennial Shaws bad guy Lo Lieh (although he's good in this) to find then protect the royal seals of the Sung Dynasty. If they should fail, the dynasty will fall. Shih's magnificent performance earned her the female hero role in the Shaws-Hammer Studio hit "Dracula" and the 7 Golden Vampires.
Heroes of Sung

Yin Cheng
Hao Liang, Liu Changyu
The play concentrated on the exploits of the communist underground activities under Japanese occupation in 1939, though history traces back in the 1920s. When Li Yuhe, a railroad worker who was engaging in underground work, was taken away by special agents and Grandma Li has a premonition of being arrested, Grandma tells the protagonist, Li Tiemei the true story about her family. Grandma Li tells Li Tiemei how her parents have sacrificed their lives in the revolutionary struggle. Li Yuhe has taken up the unfulfilled task of the martyrs. After hearing the heroic story about her family, Li Tiemei is determined to follow the example of her father and carry the revolution through to the end.
The Legend of the Red Lantern

Yin Cheng
Gu Yue, Weilin Guo
Marshal Zhang Xueliang, Commander of the North Eastern Army, grows progressively disillusioned by Kuomintang leader Chiang Kai-shek's policy to engage the Chinese Communist Party rather than fight the Japanese invaders which are occupying Manchuria. Despite numerous pleas, Chiang does not budge. After discussing with fellow general Yang Hucheng, the two take events into their own hands and place Chiang Kai-shek under arrest on December 12, 1936, forcing Chiang into a coalition with the CCP.
The Xi'an Incident

Yin Cheng
Ping Zhang, Yu Sun
Фильм показывает солдата, идущего в бой не с шорами на глазах, не с помутневшей головой, без собственного желания, подталкиваемого незримыми хозяевами, а солдата — защитника своего народа, своей родной земли, убежденного в правоте дела, за которое он борется, не жалеющего своей жизни, страстно желающего освободить свою родину для труда и мирной жизни.
Steel Soldier

Yin Cheng
Feng Zhixiao, Xue Jinghua
A recording of the Beijing Opera version of The Red Detachment of Women filmed by the August First Film Studio in 1972. Toward the end of the Cultural Revolution, the ballet version was adapted into this Beijing opera.
The Red Detachment of Women