Karl Grune
1890 - 1962Aus eines Mannes Mädchenjahren
Paul Legband, Karl Grune
Erika Glässner, Helmut Krauss
A Man's Girlhood examines in comic form the conundrums of intersexuality. Depicts the memories of the author, published in 1907 as an anonymous biography under the pseudonym NOBody, but was, following the taste of the time, dramatically oversubscribed. A child born without a clear gender is raised by the father as a boy, later by the uncle as a girl and dissected after death.
A Man's Girlhood

Die Straße
Karl Grune
Anton Edthofer, Aud Egede-Nissen
The movie follows two distinct plot lines until the two eventually merge: the first is that of the bored middle-aged man seeking a departure from monotony in his life; the second is that of the blind man and the little boy, his grandson, who are interdependent. None of the characters have been given names and are therefore referred to only by description. The city is an expressionistic nightmare, a dangerous and chaotic place.
The Street

Karl Grune
Lya De Putti, Eugen Klöpfer
"Comedians" - Axel Swinborne is a celebrated stage star. Although much in demand, he now wants to recover and travel by train on vacation. He leans out of the window at full speed, as happens a momentous mishap: his jacket gets tangled on the window lever so unhappy that it ejects the suction force out of the window.

Schlagende Wetter
Karl Grune
Liane Haid, Eugen Klöpfer
After the revelation that Georg has seduced her, Maria is driven away by her father. Georg, fearing the wrath of Maria's father, has swiftly abandoned the girl and left for the mining town of Sankt Anton, where he expects to hide easily amongst the large population of colliers. Maria must care for herself, and ends up in Sankt Anton, where she attempts to rebuild her life. There, she gets to know Thomas, and soon the young people are engaged. When Georg and Maria meet again, drama ensues. The film originally ran 97 minutes.
Schlagende Wetter

Das gelbe Haus des King-Fu
Karl Grune
Charlotte Susa, Gustav Diessl
When a criminal named King Fu who has terrorized a city substitutes himself for a stage actor who resembles him, the staff and spectators at that night's show think the actor is giving an unusually good performance.
King Fu's yellow house

Karl Grune
Charles Willy Kayser, Charles Vanel
This presentation of 'Waterloo', a film by Karl Grune about the last hurrah of Napoleon, is a fascinating companion to the Abel Gance epic 'Napoleon'. 'Waterloo' presents a tale of several people involved in the final battle. Napoleon and Wellington, of course, but also the Austrian general Blutcher (who is seen as a ladies' man - his scene with a flirty Countess about halfway through the film is priceless; as are his touching scenes with his plain wife (who he imagines to be a young and nubile girl when they get romantic) and some people within his regiment. Not simply a film of war, 'Waterloo' is a story of people, of lovers, of lost opportunities.

Karl Grune
Richard Tauber, Steffi Duna
Canio and his Comedia dell'Arte troupe tour Italy. His wife Nedda meets a young cadet and they plan to elope. He tries to leave her when he finds how important she is for his husband, but a rejected trouper interferes. As jealous Canio suspects the truth the tragedy approaches. The film was partly made in Ufacolor.

Abdul the Damned
Karl Grune
Fritz Kortner, Adrienne Ames
In 1908, Sultan Abdul Hamid rules the Turkish Empire, but he is faced with the threat of revolt by the Young Turk party. He allows Hilmi Pasha, the leader of the Young Turks, to return from exile and form the country's first constitutional government. With tensions still growing, chief of police Kadar Pasha assassinates Hassan Bey, the leader of the Old Turk party, and makes it look as if a Young Turk committed the crime, in order to give Abdul an excuse for arresting the Young Turk leaders. Meanwhile, Abdul becomes infatuated with a visiting Austrian singer. When she rejects his advances, she endangers both herself and her fiancé, a Turkish officer who also knows who really shot Hassan Bey.
Abdul the Damned