Alexander Scherer
2021Kommt Mausi raus?!
Angelina Maccarone, Alexander Scherer
Julia Richter, Nina Weniger
Kati leaves her hometown - a small provincetown in northwestern Germany - to live in the city of Hamburg. Being about 18 years old she has just finished school and seeks her freedom away from home. She knows she loves women but never dared to live accordingly. In Hamburg she soon finds a lover and a good friend, too, and the strength to face the narrow-minded people at home. After struggling with it for some time she returns for a visit to tell at least her mother and best friend.
Is Mausi Coming Out?

Jack Moik
Andreas Arens, Caspar Arnhold
Over the course of centuries the early colonies have evolved into giant empires, battling for supremacy. In the last 57 years, the death toll has risen to the billions. Rick Walker, former fighter pilot turned disillusioned freelance flyer is hired to transport a mysterious woman to the site of a secret peace negotiation. Cynthia Perkins claims to be a special ambassador who was called upon in secrecy to bring the stalling negotiations back on track. On their way, Walker and Perkins are ambushed by a group of attack fighters and are forced to crash land on a remote planet called Nydenion. Their way to the peace negotiations becomes a fight against time and an enemy that seems to come from the ranks of their own military, an enemy that Walker knows all too well.