Joseph Faivre
2021Les gaîtés de l'escadron
Maurice Tourneur, Joseph Faivre
Edmond Duquesne, Henry Roussel
The Twins, regular bad men of the regiment, have been condemned to the military prison, and it goes much against the grain of the kind-hearted Captain Hurluret to see these poor fellows confined to their cells. His leniency toward them, however, is speedily taken advantage of with most amusing results.
The Funny Regiment

Willy et le vieux soupirant
Joseph Faivre
William Sanders
Willie loved his mother. Yes, and he was selfish about it, too. He didn't want a new father and when the old Baron Anatole called lo pay attention to Mrs. Darfeuil, Willie made it most interesting for him. The cute little fellow was original in his methods and the thorough manner in which he demonstrated his dislike for the Baron is certainly amusing. The youngster who plays Willie, is a very clever little performer and the comedy situations are handled in such a laughable manner that the subject is indeed an enjoyable one.
Willy et le vieux soupirant