Mikk Mikiver
1937 - 2006Mikiver was born in Tallinn, Estonia. He graduated from the State Conservatory of Tallinn in 1961. He then went on to appear in many Estonian films and was a highly regarded dramatic actor. In addition to stage and film, Mikiver was also a prodigious television actor. While never retiring from acting, Mikiver gradually became more interested in theater direction and was for many years the principal director of the Estonian Drama Theatre and the Estonian Youth Theater.
In addition to Estonian language films, Mikiver also appeared in Russian, Swedish, Polish and Finnish productions.
For his notable achievements, the Estonian government awarded Mikiver the Order of the White Star, 4th Class, as well as the National Lifetime Achievement award. Mikiver was also a patron of the Tallinn Children's Hospital Foundation. He died at the age of 68 on 9 January 2006.
Mikk Mikiver was the older brother of actor Tõnu Mikiver and was married to actress Carmen Mikiver from 1989 until his death. Between 1971 and 1983 he was married to actress Ada Lundver.
Linnutee tuuled
Lennart Meri
Mikk Mikiver
Sequel to the "The Waterfowl People". The author interprets the kinship, linguistic and cultural relationships of the Finno-Ugric peoples. Finns, Vepsians, Votes, Setos, Erzya-Mordvinians, Mansi, Hungarians, Sami, Nganasans, and Estonians appear in the film. The film was shot in 1977 on location in northern Finland, Sapmi, Vepsia, Votia, Mordovia, Khantia-Mansia, Hungary, the Taymyr Peninsula, the Setomaa region in Estonia, and on the Estonian islands of Saaremaa and Muhu. Footage was also shot in 1970 in the Nenets Okrug. The second documentary in Lennart Meri's "Encyclopaedia Cinematographica Gentium Fenno - Ugricarum" series.
The Winds of the Milky Way

Rahu tänav
Roman Baskin
Mikk Mikiver, Jüri Järvet
On Christmas Eve, the residents of Peace Street discover that there are military guards in front of their houses. Soon they have to start showing their passports when entering their homes. The residents are told by the authorities that in order to keep the peace they have to be ready to co-operate. It is an order and people stick to it. It is heard that the foreign troops will leave when the snow will be gone - so it won't be long until the everyday life will be normal again. When spring arrives, not only the snow disappears but also lots of residents. Those who stay will look forward to the Midsummer Day.
Peace Street

Vladimir Karasjov
Ada Lundver, Ene Rämmeld
Based on Jaan Anvelt's novel "Outlaws" which deals with the struggle of the Estonian Communist Workers' Movement and the life of revolutionaries in the Republic of Estonia in the 1920s. The film represents the maturation and decay of human soul in tense situations. The dark intersections and the dense, abandoned areas create a tumultuous tension field in which the characters find themselves. Their choices and decisions overwhelm them in one way or another. Where is the way out?

Dead Mountaineer's Hotel
Grigori Kromanov
Uldis Pūcītis, Jüri Järvet
The police get a call-out to a lonely hotel in the Alps. When an officer gets to the hotel everything seems to be alright. Suddenly, an avalanche cuts them off from the rest of the world and strange things start happening.
Dead Mountaineer's Hotel

Vihmas ja päikeses
Gerbert Rappaport
Jaan Saul, Eva Murniece
Jaak is a young labourer always facing some kind of issues and it seems he always rides for a fall. At the construction work of a new thermal power station, Jaak meets young people from the Young Communist League who won't find faults with him and are ready to help him out.
The Sun and the Rain

Бриллианты для диктатуры пролетариата
Grigori Kromanov
Vladimir Ivashov, Aleksandr Kaydanovskiy
In 1921, the Cheka became aware that gold and jewelry were stolen from the treasury of Gokhran, and that a special organization was involved in transporting the stolen to Estonia. Scout Maksim Isayev is sent to this country. He establishes that the cipher of the Soviet embassy Olenetskaya works for the German resident Nolmar, with whom employees of Gokhran Kozlovskaya and an appraiser Yakov Shelekhes are associated. As a result of the provocation, Isayev was arrested. In the prison cell, he finds himself together with the famous Russian writer Nikandrov, who could not find himself in post-revolutionary Russia and went abroad. Released soon by the efforts of his comrades, Isayev continues the struggle for the fate of Nikandrov — for his return to his homeland.
Brillianty dlya diktatury proletariata

Doktor Stockmann
Mikk Mikiver
Viire Valdma, Lembit Ulfsak
Действие происходит накануне первой мировой войны в провинциальном приморском городке. Главный герой — доктор Стокман, способный врач — вместо ядовитой, хотя и сладкой лжи, предлагает согражданам горькую правду. В результате он становится объектом всеобщего порицания и теряет свою работу.
Doctor Stockmann

Конец вечности
Andrei Yermash
Oleg Vavilov, Vera Sotnikova
Directed by Andrei Yermash, and written by Isaac Asimov, Budimir Metalnikov, and Andrei Yermash, «Konets vechnosti» is a 1987 Science Fiction film, starring Oleg Vavilov, Vera Sotnikova, Georgi Zhzhyonov, Sergei Yursky, Gediminas Girdvainis and Boris Ivanov.
The End of Eternity

Ystävät, toverit
Rauni Mollberg
Mikk Mikiver, Stina Ekblad
The boisterous good humor of Jurmala, the nickel-mine owner, is, if anything, only barely dented by the raging battles in Finland before, during and after World War Two. In fact, everywhere he goes, he meets prospective customers on all sides of the conflict with his all-inclusive greeting "Friends, Comrades." Indeed, the resource he is wrenching from the earth's bowels is necessary to all forms of industrial activity, and is especially necessary for military applications. Thus, he has no reason to fear that he will ever run out of customers. This doesn't prevent him from using every possible means to entice them. At home, his relationship with his wife is not so prosperous, and they resort to some extraordinary means to try and keep on an even keel.
Friends, Comrades