Christian Cueva
Christian Cueva
Carlos Enrique Taboada, Henner Hofmann
Jirón is the story of “Jirón de niebla” (Shred of Fog), the last film made by Mexico’s duque of horror, Carlos Enrique Taboada, which, for several reasons, was never shown or premiered. The mistery behind the disappearance of this film will be revealed in a series of interviews with the people who worked on it.

México Bárbaro II
Carlos Meléndez, Ricardo Farias
Francisco Barreiro, Laura de Ita
9 Mexican directors come together to narrate traditions and more brutal, ruthless and bizarre legends of our country. Mexico Barbaro shows the world stories that are part of our popular culture, from sweet stories told by our grandmothers, the tooth fairy, witchcraft, the story behind the weeping woman, sexy Devil' servers, a pagan hero, the burnt woman, up to ancestral culinary bloody rites. Traditions and legends that today continue to cause terror among Mexican people. Included shorts: **Paidós Phobos** (Paidos Phobos) **Potzonalli** (Potzonalli) **Bolas De Fuego** (Fireballs) **Exodoncia** (Exodontia) **Vitriol** (Vitriol) **Dirección** **La Leyenda de Juan Soldado** (Juan the Soldier) "No Te Duermas" (Do not sleep) **Ya Es Hora** (It's About time).
México Bárbaro II