Jiří Strach
1973 (51 год)From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Jiří Strach
Ivan Trojan, Radoslav Brzobohatý
Private psychologist Jakub tries to help others, but he has his own problems. Then he gets to take care of his old father which starts a lot of funny situations due to fathers starting dementia. Then this new medication appears...

Operation Silver A
Jiří Strach
Klára Issová, Tatiana Vilhelmová
Based on actual events. Late 1941, Group Silver A are dropped into occupied Czechoslovakia on an SOE mission to set up a Radio communications centre for the resistance, and contact a German Army officer whom is forwarding information to the British.
Operation Silver A

Hynek Bočan
Jiří Schmitzer, Vladimír Dlouhý
The story, written by former George Stransky former political prisoners and today's chairman Pen Club is situated to 50 years and uranium camp of political prisoners in Pribram, where after the fall of the Stalinist cult comes at the end of 1958 as a prisoner of the former Chief of Main Administration of correctional facilities Colonel Good. Former chief topic of coexistence, "a guard" and political prisoners in the Bolshevik camp served timeless makers to reflect on the possibility (or impossibility) of forgiveness and a sense of justice. The film, unfortunately, below expectations - mainly because of its rarity and lack syžetovou arching dramatic arc of the story, including natural gradation. Nice camera and vice versa are cast, formed literally myriad of top Czech actors. A representative of one of the main roles - Jiri Schmitzer in 1997 was awarded the Czech Lion.

Ruffiano and Sweeteeth
Karel Smyczek
Jiří Strach, Barbora Seidlová
Знаменитый разбойник Лотрандо решает выучить сына хорошим манерам и наукам, воспитав его в хорошем католическом пансионе. Старший Лотрандо хочет сделать важным господином младшего Лотрандо, но попадает в переделку. Шайку приходится возглавить молодому Лотрандо… Но ничего у него не получается — слишком воспитанным и вежливым он стал. А тут в Сулейманском султанстве заболела дочь государя. Доктора не могут помочь принцессе Зубейду. Горе — разбойник Лотрандо и его приятель-дровосек случайно попадают в эту страну. Нерадивые слуги султана приняли их за докторов. Удастся ли самозваным докторам излечить девушку?
Ruffiano and Sweeteeth

Let's All Sing Around
Ondřej Trojan
Václav Chalupa, Jiří Strach
A comedy on a typical children summer camp from the socialist time, telling the truth about it: combination of strange cynical leaders, absent-minded young assistants with complexes, teenage girls desperately in love with them etc. What a pioneer camp pretended to be and what it really was about. All this produces many embarrassing situations.
Let's All Sing Around

Angel 2
Jiří Strach
Ivan Trojan, Jiří Dvořák
A story that takes place during Advent, we'll meet again with your favorite pair angel Petronel and devil Urias. Their eternal wrangling causes the rare apple from the tree of the knowledge to roll on earth. And that God is really angry. Petronel with Urias find themselves in a small Czech town on the eve of the feast of St. Nicholas. And after a series of human and "divine" tests our heroes eventually find that the path to knowledge leads primarily through self discovery through the strength of friendship, love and forgiveness skills.
Angel 2

Vůně vanilky
Jiří Strach
Jiří Schmitzer, Jana Hlaváčová
A dramatic love story, taking place in the final days of the Second World War when the American Army liberated the Pilsen region of West Bohemia. Anne lives with her mother, husband and stepchildren at a solitary country farm. But her life is not what she would wish it to be. She had previously lived with her aunt in London, and the only reason why she returned to Czechoslovakia was to look after the orphaned children of her sister. She married their father, but the rural environment is alien to her, and neither does she get on very well with her husband. A group of American soldiers arrives at the farm, having strayed away from their designated route of advance. To their great surprise, they are welcomed by a young woman who speaks fluent English, and invite her to go with them to Pilsen as an interpreter. Anne long hesitates, well aware that she attracts the affection of one of the soldiers, and herself becomes fond of him, too. She feels that the trip to Pilsen could mean an ....
Vůně vanilky