Alexandra Khokhlova
1897 - 1985По закону
Lev Kuleshov
Alexandra Khokhlova, Vladimir Fogel
A five-person team of gold prospectors in the Yukon has just begun to enjoy great success when one of the members snaps, and suddenly kills two of the others. The two survivors, a husband and wife, subdue the killer but are then faced with an agonizing dilemma. With no chance of turning him over to the authorities for many weeks, they must decide whether to exact justice themselves or to risk trying to keep him restrained until they can return to civilization.
By the Law

Ваша знакомая
Lev Kuleshov
Yury Vasilchikov, Alexandra Khokhlova
Khokhlova, a girl-reporter on a Moscow newpaper, falls in love with factory manager Petrovsky. To her he's the epitome of manliness--virile, decisive, strong-minded. Conversely, she rejects the sensitive, diffident editor Vasilchikov, who's in love with her, as unmanly. Her infatuation affects her work, and she is fired.
Your Friend

Великий утешитель
Lev Kuleshov
Konstantin Khokhlov, Ivan Novoseltsev
The Great Consoler is Lev Kuleshov’s most personal film reflecting both the facts of his life and his thoughts about the place of the artist in contemporary reality. It was the only film in the Soviet cinema of those years that raised the question of what role a creative person played in society.
The Great Consoler

Гибель сенсации
Aleksandr Andriyevsky
Sergei Vecheslov, Vladimir Gardin
In an unnamed English-speaking capitalist land, a young engineer invents inexhaustible giant robots to replace the fragile human workers on high-volume assembly-lines, and soon finds his invention co-opted by the military-industrial complex.
Loss of Feeling

Необычайные приключения мистера Веста в стране большевиков
Lev Kuleshov
Porfiri Podobed, Boris Barnet
Mr. West and his faithful bodyguard Jeddie visit the land of the 'evil' Bolsheviks. Through various mishaps, Mr. West discovers that the Soviets are actually quite remarkable people.
The Extraordinary Adventures of Mr. West in the Land of the Bolsheviks

Случай в вулкане
Yevgeni Shneider, Alexandra Khokhlova
Vladimir Shishkin, Lidiya Smirnova
Андрей Латонин уже неоднократно прыгал с парашютом, однако в день праздника испугался и остался в кабине самолета. Тяжело переживая неудачу, Латонин решает навсегда покинуть родные места, и поступает матросом на пароход. В пути Андрей знакомится с экспедиционной группой, направляющейся к кратеру действующего вулкана, и примыкает к ученым.
Incident on a Volcano