Ricardo Alves Jr.
2021Material Bruto
Ricardo Alves Jr.
Nausea Woman walks in the hallways. From the inside Hair Man, Man Cigarette and Man Music wait for the moment of escape, an instant to leave itself. "Material Bruto" was filmed with users of the public mental health network in the city of Belo Horizonte.
Material Bruto

O Natal de Rita
Ricardo Alves Jr.
Fernanda Vianna, Gilda Nomacce
Rita was fired from work and has no courage to tell her family. Your chance to have a nice Christmas dinner for the family is to win the prize for a music cover contest. For that, she needs to remember her youth, when she imitated Rita Lee, and revive her band with her husband, Roberto and her friend Marguê.
O Natal de Rita

Dazed Flesh
Ricardo Alves Jr., Grace Passô
Grace Passô, Zora Santos
After having invaded liquid, gaseous and solid substances, a strange voice takes possession of a woman's body and for the first time experiences the taste of something truly human. Together, the voice and the body seek for belonging and an identity of their own as they question their roles within society.
Dazed Flesh

Ricardo Alves Jr.
Vitória decides to stop taking the abuse at the factory and goes in search of someone who will listen to female workers. Made with employees from a textile company in rural Minas Gerais. An urgent story, now that Brazil's extreme right-wing government is destroying social structures at a rapid rate.

Ricardo Alves Jr., João Salaviza
Helena Campos, Alberto Moreira
Russa returns to Bairro do Aleixo, in Oporto, visiting her sister and friends with whom she celebrates her son's birthday. In this short encounter, Russa returns to her neighbourhood's collective memory, where three of the five towers still exist.

Elon Não Acredita na Morte
Ricardo Alves Jr.
Rômulo Braga, Clara Choveaux
As he does every single day, Elon goes to meet his wife at her workplace, but she is not there. He doesn’t find her at home as well, so he starts to retrace the path Madalena makes daily. In the morning after, Elon goes to the police station and files a report, runs into hospitals, morgues. Alone, he wanders through a metropolis, searching for news about the sudden and mysterious disappearance of his wife.
Elon Doesn't Believe in Death