Carole Roussopoulos
1945 - 2009L'Égalite professionnelle : ça avance dans les transports
Carole Roussopoulos
The film presents a series of portraits of women working in traditional male jobs in the transport industry: the SNCF, the RATP, Air France and Air Inter, and at Paris airports. Each woman talks about her professional choice, her training, what responsibilities she holds, where she fits within the company, and her work relationships. They all underline the need to be organised to manage personal and professional lives, and the growing number of women who choose these jobs. They are on the whole positive and their views often inspiring.
L'Égalite professionnelle : ça avance dans les transports

Christiane et Monique (LIP V)
Carole Roussopoulos
Monique Piton
Monique (an advertising assistant) and Christine (a semi-skilled worker) talk about how difficult it is for a woman working in a struggling factory (Lip), about issues of internal democracy within the trade union and the end of work in the current situation.
Christiane et Monique - LIP V

Lip I : Monique
Carole Roussopoulos
Monique Piton
August 1973, after the police move into the Lip factory in Besançon, one of the female workers, Monique Piton, talks about the four months of struggle, the place of women and the lessons she has learnt. She is also critical of the role of television.
Monique - LIP I

Maso et miso vont en bateau
Nadja Ringart, Ioana Wieder
Delphine Seyrig, Simone de Beauvoir
The year 1975 is declared “year of the woman”. On this occasion Bernard Pivot invited Françoise Giroud on television, then Secretary of State for Women. Faced with statements, a group of women filmmakers parody the issues in a provocative way.
Maso and Miso Go Boating

Delphine and Carole
Callisto McNulty
Delphine Seyrig, Carole Roussopoulos
In the 70s, actress Delphine Seyrig and director Carole Roussopoulos, both militant feminists, were the pioneers of video activism in France. They documented the demonstrations of French feminists and used the new technologies to counter the poor representation of women in the public media.
Delphine and Carole

Genet parle d'Angela Davis
Carole Roussopoulos
Angela Davis, Jean Genet
In the aftermath of the arrest of Angela Davis, Jean Genet reads a text denouncing racist US policy, supporting the Black Panthers party and Angela Davis for a television show that will be completely censored.
Angela Davis Is at Your Mercy

Le F.H.A.R. (Front Homosexuel d’Action Révolutionnaire)
Carole Roussopoulos
Guy Hocquenghem, Anne-Marie Fauret
Demonstration by FHAR, the Homosexual Revolutionary Action Front, the 1st of May 1971. People discuss at the University of Vincennes and show a common determination to break prejudice and open minds. They refuse to hide anymore, and talk about this revolution of desire.

Debout ! Une histoire du mouvement de libération des femmes
Carole Roussopoulos
A documentary about the feminist movement in France and Switzerland in the 1970s, retracing the history, the struggles, the achievements, and the upheavals.
Stand Up! A History of the Women's Liberation Movement

Les Travailleuses de la mer
Carole Roussopoulos
At the fishing port of Lorient in Brittany, nearly 800 women work, filleters by day, fish sorters by night. Some testify to the conditions in which they exercise their profession, conditions almost unchanged for fifty years: in the cold, humidity and ice, standing, carrying heavy loads, and always without status.
Les Travailleuses de la mer

Carole Roussopoulos, Paul Roussopoulos
In September 1972, a Palestinian commando called the Black September took the Israeli delegation hostage at the Munich Olympics. This film, which denounces the hypocrisy of this illusory "Olympic peace", is a montage of images from official television and images filmed in the Palestinian refugee camps of Jordan in September 1971 (Black September), in full repression of the Palestinian people by the armies of King Hussein.