Davorin Marc
2021Film za dva
Davorin Marc
We see the film title card on screen and sound is coming from the cinema, but the screen is black. The filmmaker hands a cellphone with video to two sitting in front of the crowd. The image of the film plays on the phone for those who can see it in the crowd as the audio comes through the cinema speakers.
Movie for Two

Paura in città (1191 dni pozneje ali Vonj po podganah)
Davorin Marc
Super8 post-punk film by Davorin Marc. Paura in citta does not only display a bold and powerful exploration of form and themes that seem to have occupied Marc throughout his oeuvre, the film is also a straightforward document of the spirit of the times and surroundings of its making.
Fear in the City (1181 Days Later or Smell of Rats)