Pedro Severien
2021Braço Armado das Empreiteiras
Pedro Severien, Juliano Dornelles
In July 2014 the police of Pernambuco used extreme violence against the Movement Occupy Estelita. Without trying to open any channel of dialogue, the riot squad, GATI and other troops used a disproportionate amount of force for the repossession of an area from José Estelita pier, in the city of Recife. It got clear during the day that the police were there not only to carry out a lawsuit, but to try to repress a legitimate movement of civilians.
Braço Armado das Empreiteiras

Todas as Cores da Noite
Pedro Severien
Sabrina Greve, Sandra Possani
Iris lives alone in a spacious apartment by the sea. The green horizon seems to distance it from the city in comfortable isolation. At nightfall, the place hosts known and unknown in a frantic party flow. Iris is the main attraction. But on a hungover morning, she finds a corpse in the living room. As in the distorted reflection of a crooked mirror, Iris feels repeating steps of her childhood friend, Tiara, a medical student who had run over a guy at the exit of a nightclub. After the incident, Tiara plunges into a spiral of self-pity, sentimental emptying and violence. The case is well known in town and Iris does not want to become another ghost in this dark repertoire of stories. In All the colors of the night, reality works as a dimension of imagination, memory and madness.
All the Colors of the Night

Corpo Oco
Pedro Severien
A couple of artists (a painter/performer and a photographer) experience a double isolation – isolation from the city, because they live in a studio in the old part of the center of Recife but do not interact with its surroundings, and an affective/conjugal isolation established between themselves. "Hollow body" captures the spectrum of a separation.
Corpo Oco