Anne de Clercq
2021Soof 3
Anne de Clercq
Lies Visschedijk, Fedja van Huêt
Sophie (Soof) finally seems to have her life back on track. She's happy, her restaurant is booming and her kids are ready to leave the nest. As usual, Soof tries to keep way too many balls in the air at the same time. Then she gets some bad news at the same time her daughter Sacha comes home from abroad to introduce her fiancée. Soof gracefully embraces her daughter's upcoming wedding as an excuse to bury her head in the sand. Soof must learn to accept help from her loved ones and that she's worthy of their concern.
Soof 3

Sarah & Hij
Anne de Clercq
Karien Noordhoff, Gijs Naber
When Sarah looks out of her window she sees several situations between couples take place. It is like she is watching her own life and all the choices that could change it. In the end she can take a decision about her own life by looking at others. The couples tell a story about a world in which you can loose the direction of your life just like that. And find it again.
Sarah & He

Jack bestelt een broertje
Anne de Clercq
Matsen Montsma, Yenthe Bos
Jack Oei (8) has two moms, is an only child and feels lonely. Jack’s biggest wish is a brother. But no matter how much he begs his moms, the little brother just doesn’t arrive. Jack decides to take matters in his own hands….
Jack's Wish