Douglas Duarte
2021Sete Visitas
Douglas Duarte
Douglas Duarte, Eduardo Coutinho
How much theatricality is there in an interview-based documentary? On one side, someone answers. On the other side, someone asks questions – usually away from the camera eyes. But what would happen if also filmed the interviewers? And if the respondent also had the right to ask? And if the parties never met? What if instead of a glimpse into someone’s life, we had several? ‘Seven visits’ is a film about questions. And about the act of being interested in the other.
Sete Visitas

Personal Che
Douglas Duarte, Adriana Marino
A documentary that explores the myth behind the truth. Different people around the globe reinterpret the legend of Che Guevara at will: from the rebel living in Hong Kong fighting Chinese domination, to the German neonazi preaching revolution and the Castro-hating Cuban. Their testimonies prove that the Argentinian revolutionary's historical impact reverberates still. But like with all legends, each sees what he will, in often contradictory perspectives.
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