Nikolay Dostal
1946 (78 лет)Cloud Heaven
Nikolay Dostal
Andrei Zhigalov, Sergey Batalov
In this gentle comedy, an unpopular resident in a Russian village has his life completely changed when he announces, entirely on a whim and just to upset things a bit, that he's moving to the Pacific coast.
Cloud Heaven

До свидания, мальчики!
Mikhail Kalik
Evgeniy Steblov, Nikolay Dostal
Goodbye, Boys! is the coming-of-age tale of three teenagers graduating from a Communist school during World War II. It's summer, and their main goals are swimming in the Black Sea and wooing the girl all three of them love. However, they are asked to become officers in the military, and slowly their worlds begin changing forever. Their parents oppose them, they begin fearing losing each other and their families, and the military tricks and maneuvers them into joining the army instead of the navy
Goodbye, Boys!

Мелкий бес
Nikolay Dostal
Sergey Taramaev, Irina Rozanova
A small provincial town. The inhabitants are bored, apathetic and bitter... Peredonov, a modest high school teacher, dreams about a promotion and moving to the capital. Gradually his dream becomes an obsession. Varvara, his second cousin who dreams about marrying him, writes a promising letter about an invitation to Saint-Petersburg on behalf of the capital's princess. But the teacher's dreams aren't meant to come true: he becomes a victim of his own insanity and kills his friend and the hateful Varvara...
Little Devil

Полицейские и воры
Nikolay Dostal
Gennadiy Khazanov, Vyacheslav Nevinnyy
Когда обаятельный жулик продавал фальшивые археологические сокровища наивному иностранцу, он не ведал, что творит: заморский гость оказался директором российско-американской макаронной фабрики. Обманутый американец в гневе приказывает своему охраннику найти вора. Несчастного мошенника ждет страшное наказание.
The Policemen and the Thieves

Petya po doroge v Tsarstvie Nebesnoe
Nikolay Dostal
Egor Pavlov, Roman Madyanov
In the small town of Kandalaksha, Petya lives out a fantasy life as a traffic cop. He has a holster, a wooden gun, and the locals humor him by following his "orders." When a convict escapes from a nearby prison, Petya joins the manhunt as any good officer would.
Peter on the Way to Heaven

Malenkiy Gigant Bolshogo Seksa
Nikolay Dostal
Gennadiy Khazanov, Vladimir Kashpur
Based on the story "Oh, Marat!" by Fazil Iskander. The main character of the movie, Marat, lives in a coastal town near the Black Sea, he works as a photographer at the beach and is an editor at the local newspaper. But he is known for an entirely other reason: no woman can resist him. Making love is a serious thing for Marat, although his adventures will make the viewers die with laughter...
A Small Giant of Big Sex

Шура и Просвирняк
Nikolay Dostal
Tatyana Rasskazova, Aleksandr Feklistov
Осень 1952 года. Телефонистка Шура работает в одном из министерств. За прямоту и бескорыстность начальство ее не жалует, а коллеги уважают. Однажды в коллективе появляется прихрамывающий и заискивающий новичок со странной фамилей Просвирняк. Он не нравится Шуре, а остальные не воспринимают его всерьез.
Shura & Prosvirnjak

Я в полном порядке
Nikolay Dostal
Andrei Tolubeyev, Galina Petrova
Рассказ о брачном аферисте всесоюзного масштаба, который однажды решив жениться, а заодно и проверить рентабельность своей домашней картотеки, убедился в ее беспорядке. Расстроенный неудачей Гвоздев знакомится в баре с Зиной и невольно оказывается втянутым в круг несчастий бывшей танцовщицы варьете (так она ему представилась).
I'm All Right