Malga Kubiak
2021Mask of Life on Yukio Mishima
Malga Kubiak
Thomas Thomas, Vianna Asencio
Masks on Yukio Mishima are spectacles of crossing the lines. Mishima crossed the line with the life he led and death he had chosen. Text of Mishima are beats of beauty and signs of love. Director looks into eye of reality. We the viewers have no interest in atomic bombs, dead people, forced love. What is left to us? Military drill, suicide or possibly love? Masks take you farther, Kubiak takes no compromise, Masks are bloody long expressive; give the questions and no straight answers. She lets you look at it and finally rips of the mask after the mask. You might get your vulnerability back.
Mask of Life on Yukio Mishima

Raoul Wallenberg Tragic Hero or Agent 103?
Malga Kubiak
Börje Lundberg, Malga Kubiak
Raoul Wallenberg born 1912 Stockholm is send to Budapest 1944 July. His job is to save Jewish from Holocaust, his methods are non conventional. January 1945 arrested by Russians at Budapest Siege. Man who saved lives never returns home.
Raoul Wallenberg Tragic Hero or Agent 103?

Game Girl
Malga Kubiak
Arkadiusz Janiczek, Alfred Kaste
Black crime comedy dogma in game-girl. Film directors couple struggle to make a film, the man is a neurotic alcoholic, the woman is a bisexual nymphomaniac. Raid drivers loose the car. Thieves are in action, everybody tests coke, etc. The End is romantic deadly decadent.
Game Girl

Carl Andersens Underground der Liebe
Martin Nechvatal, Jindra Gerald
Carl Andersen, Erwin Leder
Depicts Carl Andersens uncommon art and life. Born in Vienna, the capital of Austria in 1958, he participated in the development of Viennas subculture through his bar called "Fun Factory". It was a unique place to have some cheap drinks, see strange movies and join concerts in the cellar. He also influenced the Viennese film community by bringing art house and underground movies, like "Liquid Sky" (1982), or "The Texas Chainsaw Massacre" (1973) in uncut versions to the theaters. As he was a film maniac he started to direct movies by himself. His first two movies "I was a Teenage Zabbadoing" (1988) and "Mondo Weirdo - a Trip to Paranoia Paradise"(1990) became underground classics. In the late 80's Andersen went to Berlin. There he directed and produced more than 10 No-Budget movies. Diffic ult relationships and the process of filmmaking itself were his main themes. He got lost in alcoholism and committed suicide in August 2012.
Carl Andersens Underground der Liebe

Raoul's Boys of Budapest
Malga Kubiak
Frequency Alcyone, AuMatt
During his half year in Budapest Raoul devoted everything to his true self. He has lost borders, he has gained courage and created devoted team; together they achieved the impossible. They became few of the few to error the final solution.
Raoul's Boyz of Budapest

Malga Kubiak
Erwin Leder, Thomas Goersch
This film shows the last days of Pasolini’s life that he spent in Stockholm. He was invited to visit the Institute of Culture and give an interview in the Swedish Film Institute. Together with his boyfriend Ninetto they stayed in Diplomat Hotel. Where he was murdered at 1.30 a.m. on 2nd November; 1975.

At the Back of the Screen
Malga Kubiak
Malga Kubiak, Thomas Goersch
A documentary about Malga Kubiak and her team. It's not only a movie about her, but also about the situation of independent, lesbian and queer cinema in Poland, Europe and all over the world. Malga is a director, activist, mother, daughter and grandmother. Her family is constantly engaged in her work. She made over 40 movies about such queer icons as Pasolini, Annemarie Schwarzenbach, F.G. Lorca, Andy Warhol or Lizzie Siddal, the muse of Pre-Raphaelites.
At the Back of the Screen